Eric Adams Chief Banks any comment?DA NYPD Ray Kelly, Bratton etc Chiefs Pulaski, BOYCE,Banks,etc ANY lavish gifts free rides,aware NYPD erasing or committing SEXUAL Assaults,RAPES, ERASING CRIMES my case DR ANDREW FAGELMAN OFFICE Jeffrey epstein case, etc?
NYPD lt Yael MAGORI accused of skirting the law for ex's dad
My first call to chief Esposito's office was just before he stepped down I spoke to his detective who wanted the name of the transit cop who I showed the video of the attack and he confirmed corruption at the first precinct.
When Esposito leaves I start calling Chief Banks's office and have many conversations with a woman assistant with a beautiful voice and many conversations with Lt Gannon. Banks and Gannon party to obstruction of justice. I was told it's against NYPD policy to allow a victim that is suing the NYPD for violating civil rights committing crimes to be allowed to upgrade the crimes so the first precinct turning me away preventing me from reporting that it was actually second-degree assault etc. was right determine your way according to CHIEF BANKS ASSIST LT GANNON!
You continued on with Dermont Shea and O'neill I even get audio NYPD Sex Crimes detective Vazquez lying to me that I was not sexually assaulted and I wonder about the NYPD having a culture of rape coercion and sexually assaulting victims with unnecessary body cavity searches.
Would I've been sexually salted again at the first precinct to by turn myself in after the emergency surgery the day before for my retina from the attack they had falsified police reports they were already conspiring to make me drop charges how many more crimes would they have committed at the precinct with me there falsely arrested where I've been sexually assaulted again ?
I donated blood at a camper in front of the first precinct and a cop looked at my chest and I guess you thought I couldn't hear that having breasts made me in capable hearing he talked about hiring a stripper. I wondered if they rape strippers that they coer strippers into sex and this was all under Edward Winski who is meeting with his fellow criminals from the 1st Precinct at a local bar to discuss the crime so you had committed that day at the pre-stink like my case?
I want to ask Edward Winski about this and about Stephanie Andrews the special treatment he gave her while he was party to breaking laws in my case. She went on to murder her small child and kill her self. In my case the criminals including Nypd Criminal's and the doctors office went on to commit more crimes specifically Dr. Andrew Fagelman in Delita Hooks PERJURY they seem to really enjoy it and the idea that they are above the law.
Pulaski and Boyce how long with the Manhattan DA make sure that Sex Crimes Lieutenant lame boy was not arrested for stealing overtime on rape cases he did not work for Cy Vance at One Hogan place and at one police plaza the same top cops chief of detectives and Internal Affairs steering committee were protecting in our protecting crimes in my case and how many other case?
The fact that Eric Adams has brought back Chief Banks is extremely disturbing considering banks is high profile history of taking gifts and somehow he has been Above the Law likes Manny top brass are all top brass.
Reminder when I record the audio NYYP police officer Magori who I believe like Ed Winski was fast track for being party to fixing favors violating civil rights breaking laws like my case for dr. Andrew Fagelman's office.... MAGORI WAS STANDING Right next to a poster from Internal Affairs asking cops report police corruption but the reality is there promoted for breaking laws at the front desk as documented by my audio recorded at the first precinct and when I tweeted to NYPD police commissioner O'neill and Shea their action is to put up signs at the reception desk of police precincts not to film I guess while they're gonna break laws in obstruct justice and turn away victims.

I reported him in 2010 for abusive power with this car using his car like a weapon for the Mercer Hotel. At the time the hotel was owned by Jeffrey Epstein's friend and Ghislaine Maxwell's lover. Jeffrey Epstein may have had money in the hotel and he was later to be advised by the NYPD that he could ignore court appointed sex offender checkins as reported by the New York post to refuse to follow up on the story what are the names of the cops that's all Jeffrey Epstein ignore Judge? Did the judge know what does she have to say? Why hasn't Internal Affairs made arrests because it's chronic the corruption the misogyny the crimes the civil rights violations and the FBI looks away the same FBI that's being sued by Simone Biles etc

2010 I report NYPD Schatz for abus of power with his car was more than one occasion that he used his car like a weapon and in 2019 I believe I'm very tired I've been up for hours PTSD he finally gets arrested I guess showing his badge this one time didn't help him get away with yet another crime being above the law being above accountability because he was drunk in a car and he continue driving this time over the Brooklyn Bridge I'm WONDERING this was not his first time driving drunk perhaps even hitting a car?
The corrupt detectives and their boss has hit from me as they broke laws at their desk falsified police reports it turns out that the two detectives VERGONA SMD DWYEE who names I have I don't have the partner's names their Facebook friends with Schatz that's how I finally saw their faces years later when I was serving them in New York State Supreme Court MAY JUDGE LYNN KOTLER WHO I perceive to give corporation council special treatment giving them their own own front row in her court she let them lie right in front of her face in my case and wouldn't let me respond which I guess is why I guess The judges in the appellate court decided to give me as much time as I wanted I needed additional time to speak.