Time for a Permanent Commission in to NYPD, IAB, and DA Corruption: Title 18.subsection 242.conspiring of rights.which is a felony that can land that detective behind bars for ten years. I was sent this -- is this applicable to Det John Vergona and his partner, Det Andy Dwyer his partner, supervisor Lt Angelos Burgos, supervisor Sgt Chen and all involved including in Internal Affairs? NYPD Internal Affairs DA want to do the crime do the time. Turn Broken Windows back on them!
NYPD committed Crimes in my Case and how many other cases?
http://nypdnewcommission.blogspot.com/2017/04/ray-kelly-charles-campisi-bratton.html They love using Ron Kuby's letter to pretend I was not coerced and the NYPD did not commit a pile up of crimes.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) @NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP @TheIACP @NYPDnews @NYPDDetectives @MjrCitiesChiefs @NYPDChiefPatrol @NYCPBA @MarcSantia4NY @NYPDCT youtu.be/syrc3ncHFTI ask PC O’Neill, Bratton, Ray Kelly, Pulaski, Boyce, Esposito, Banks, Lt Gannon about audio Sgt Chen PO Magori prevent me from reporting Delita Hooks false cross complaint lying I am not from DA or a det. so I am not allowed to report the crime! #NYPD Lies!
https://nypdnewcommission.blogspot.com/2020/03/was-it-nypd-retired-nypd-someone-who.html?m=1 #Dumbcuntlivesmatter? Does Dermot Shea Agree?
NYPD PO EUGENE SCHATZ ARRESTED DRUNK DRIVING OCT 2019 but until Federal Investigators make arrests for conspiring as a group to COERCE ME Illegally downgrade all crimes to zero crimes by falsifying police reports and more I don't have justice but that's a baby step in the right direction Karma baby step -- someone in my case arrested!
Delita Hooks letter in response to Ron Kuby's short hand for Suzannah Troy is being coerced -Delita Hooks letter to NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer threatens a 2nd false cross complaint! NYPD Lt Angelo Burgos signed off on it with NYPD Ed Winski's knowledge and top brass including Internal Affairs protecting a pile-up of crimes including a series of threats, falsified police reports coercion. Corp Counsel lawyers including Zachary Carter lied in legal documents again protecting all crimes, obstructing Justice yet again and protecting violations of my Civil Rights!
The Detectives in my case Det Vergona and Det Andy Dwyer, their partners, and supervisors and facebook friends NYPD PO Eugene Schatz aka Gene Schatz and Det Tommy Moran were party to the fact Verogna was lying in his DD5s and was going to verbally violently threaten me over the phone because the cowardly criminal detectives and supervisors did not have it in them to commit the crimes they committed and face me but they did use Ron Kuby's letter to pretend they dd not commit crimes and Internal Affairs has protected them along w/ top brass all party to retaliation.
I had respected the NYPD until NYPD PO Gene Schatz and his facebook friends Detective Andrew Dwyer and Det John Vergona, with their partners, and supervisors DI Ed Winski, Lt Angelo Burgos and Sgt Chen did a bait and switch downgrading their crimes and Delita HOOKS crimes to no crimes. Google Dr Fagelman assault and see Delita HOOKS in action but she wasn't done breaking laws and the NYPD detectives and supervisors joined in and did Dr Andrew Fagelman quite a favor since he did not fire his violent, manipulative attack receptionist and when a private investigator asked Dr Fagelman did you talk to the NYPD he said "no comment" aka he would implicate himself in the crimes of arranging for Delita HOOKS to walk in and commit a crime filing a false cross complaint and Dr Fagelman was party to even more crimes, Det John VERGONA was going to violently threaten me over the phone with false arrest on a Saturday 4pm only for the utmost retaliation and even fabrication of crimes which Eric Garner outlines in his own case 4 years ago....
These corrupt evil people would teach be about the real NYPD and how they break laws, do fixing and favors and all these years Internal Affairs protected these crimes along with Corp Counsel Zachary Carter lied in my case and his predecessor before him! READ JOEL BERGER CIVIL RIGHTS LAWYER NE LAW JOURNAL REFORM NYPD POSSIBLE RICO CHARGES including many enablers including this party to lie cheat win and my case LEGAL FRAUD EXAMPLE WITHHOLDING ALL PAPERWORK BUT MOST OF 01 IA 1pp corp counsel withheld DELITA HOOKS LETTER THREATENING ME YET AGAIN In the letter with retaliation if I dare came back and filed more criminal complaints which I could've since NYPD illegally downgraded Crimes to a fabricated mutual salt when was a one-way attack second-degree assault menacing a false cross-complaint sexual assault criminal mischief damaging my iPhone case by hitting it out of my hand three times ! Note there's audio of corrupt NYPD officer Magori I tweeted to the police commissioner I reported her to Internal Affairs and CCRB she gets promoted in five years she's a lieutenant and the New York post exposes her to years later when I guess something illegal because I believe it was illegal on her part to try to erase her ex-boyfriend's father strangling someone read the article you can tell me but it looks like more evidence of how Internal Affairs promoted criminals in my case who broke laws on duty from their desks at the first precinct in plain sight ....https://nypost.com/2019/03/05/nypd-lieutenant-accused-of-skirting-law-to-help-out-exs-dad/amp/
Monday, September 29, 2014
Allegations Cy Vance Joan Illuzi Fixing Ray Rice Reception and NYPD Crime Coercion Internal Affairs Fixing
Allegations Cy Vance Joan Illuzi Fixing Ray Rice Reception and NYPD Crime Coercion Internal Affairs Fixing
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Cy Vance Worse Than NFL Protest Poster Protesting Monday DA NYPD IAB corruption Fixing Favors for Dr Andrew Fagelman's Ray Rice of Reception Desks
Cy Vance Worse Than NFL Protest Poster Protesting Monday DA NYPD IAB corruption Fixing Favors for Dr Andrew Fagelman's Ray Rice of Reception Desks
DA fixed it for my attacker and corrupt cops involved in the crime of coercion?
All of Det John Vergona's cases would be examined and the NYPD Internal Affairs don't want that especially right now. I have nypd reports, video, medical reports, evident to everyone to video the false cross-complaint her letter threatening me she signed it to her NYPD fixers and so much evidence internal affairs so I looks like the DA is now involved but I'll let you figure crime and it's all about damage control for the NYPD as well the doctor did not fire my attacker.
Caring folks warned me not to go by myself and make sure I have video equipment with me because in the opinio of many DA and the NYPD are so corrupt and they work together to protect corruption and criminal behavior especially by the NYPD like in my case including internal affairs.
I'll be protesting outside of the Manhattan DAs office as much as I physically can you can see my leg is in the cast.
Note you'll see the two photos of the blackeye one appears to be the left which it is and the other appears to be the right which it isn't the reason it looks like it's the right is I took the photo at an Apple Store on a computer that flick damage detective Vergona refused to meet me in person since he was confused and question me about that I said if you don't understand me in person see the injuries to my eye my neck and my arm but he refused he made up his mind he was gonna make this go away and what I'm alleging is that the DA is fixing it because if they arrested my attacker like they let me to believe what's going to happen for second-degree assault then they feared perhaps that all of detective work on his cases would be examined as well to supervisors because I gave them please reports were alleged my attacker and the NYPD lied in the police reports an internal fares was absolutely 100% aware of this.
So my case is proof the NYPD are fixing not just that's a crime and that the Manhattan DA is like internal affairs protecting the blue wolf corruption as often as I can whenever they can and I caught them in this circumstance and of course I'll come up with every excuse and I allege lies if need be as a group it's me a single woman lied and hit and attacked lied about by a group of women in the video they lied as a group, NYPD commited crime of coercion lied as a group and now I'm alleging I was abused by a group of assistant district attorneys but if I can get them all under oath will they be willing to lie under oath and commit perjury?
Do I fear for my safety yes I do we know the police can actually murder someone and say it was an accident or even lie and set the person up and that the DA has protected the police over and over and over even if using at times to put cases in front of the grand jury.
I'm filing an ethics complaint against Cy Vance on Monday and the rest of his staff involved in my case as well as refusing to investigate NYPD coercing me and the fact that fear for my safety not only from the doctors office the violence but from the NYPD and I did not want to end up like Eric Garner - The group of ADA at the complaintis going to take me time but the Cy Vance one Will be something that DSK's lawyers may be interested in reading.
I'm sending this to the FBI to all the press and to the press office at the Manhattan DA and I know these are crafty people that will do anything they can if they can to harm me and get away with it and just like my attacker and women in the video all lie about me but I have evidence and documents and audio recordings of ADAs so stay tuned.
Eric Holder said contact the FBI which I did but I fear that because of terrorism the FBI is going to overlook this the way they did the Wall Street implosion the mortgage meltdown and Bernie Madoff.
It will take many more deaths...I was told for me to get justice it would take my death and then even then how many black men have been murdered by police and their families have not gotten any justice?
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you.
Vid 4 second highlights Vine
Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt misogynist DA happy a critic of his an outspoken Woman has been savagely punched kicked hair ripped out and I have audio of one of his assistant district attorney's threatening me which I am interpreting as a threat to keep me silent to shut me down and to not pursue justice which I am because the statute of limitations for false cross-complaint is five years and a judge and honest DA and people laugh and tell me there are no honest DA but an honest DA can extend the assault statute and get her arrested for asault and also arrest the NYPD detective who commited the crime of coercion.
June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015.
The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!
I am alive -- there are plenty of families mourning loved ones who did not survive and where the victims of a lot of fixing, threats violence and lies. I have an audio from DA's office I am not posting.
Manhattan DA Joan Illuzi Audio Not Arresting my Attacker Listen
Cy Vance Listen to Joan Illuzi Offer Me Services What Services Did She mean? Was She Lying to me?
Listen to Joan Illuzi the head of hate crimes who offers me services twice in this phone call.
I allege she is a dishonest liar who is offering me no services what so ever but offered the MD office who did not fire my attacker, my attacker who filed a false cross complaint, my attacker Delita Hooks aka Dee and Delite who signed a letter threatening me yet again warning me to not come forward and report assault charges again and you all know I allege if possible Joe Tacopina scripted that letter threatening me and Joan sure did the NYPD who fixed it for Dr Andrew Fagelman who did not fire Delita Hooks, Dr Fagelman who would not answer my private investigators question did you talk to the police. People ask me who did Dr Fagelman call to get this fixed....
Well listen to Joan I allege insincerely offer me services -- what services? She just let me attacker walk from 2nd degree assault charges, menacing me, a false cross complaint which ADA Joe Giovenetti and Joan made me agree I had to accept they would pursue 2nd degree assault but not the false cross complaint ----
Joan said she did a thorough investigation --- I have proof that is not true and she never emailed me the letter and ADA G is some investigator. He fed exed the letter to an address he was alerted I do not live at.
Cy Vance, Joan, Siobhan Berry senior investigator investigation bureau that was suppose to arrest Delita Hooks because ADA G told me they would have to go around the NYPD if Delita Hooks was arrested which is quite a statement and ADA G ended up with quite a surprise ending letting my attacker off the hook quicker than you can say "Charles Hynes" and Charles Hynes thought he was above the law and above it for many years..... G-d works in mysterious ways and G-d Justice may take years.
Needless to say I want to ask Cy Vance, and all ADAs including supervisor Ms Walton and Ms Berry questions under oath along with Delita Hooks, Dr Fagelman, all the women in the video, Det John Vergona, his partner, Det Andy Dwyer, his partner, Lt Angelo Burgos, IAB Lt Mary O'Donnell, Lt Agnes, DI Ed Winski, Ray Kelly, Bill Bratton, Campisi and Reznick, NYPD Chief Dowd questions about 911 and FirstNet as well as questions re: his abusive behavior to me at City Hall when I was there to testify calling for a criminal investigation in to 911...
G-d sees all.
I am filing ethics complaints and a notice of claim to file another lawsuit against the City, the original defendants, Mr. Bratton, Mr Reznick, Cy Vance, Joan Illuzi, and ADA Joseph Giovannetti and wait until you read the laundry list of why I allege Cy Vance is retaliating against me to Joan Illuzi telling me she wouldn't prosecute Delita Hooks for the false cross complaint -- it isn't like I am picking out shoes Joan decides and she refused to prosecute Delita Hooks for the false cross complaint.
Joan told me she did not know who I was. I said that's good
Do you promise not to hold my politics against me and she said she wouldn't.
I told her I dressed up as Cy Vance on YouTube and stated I am so happy no Black People, No Hispanic People, No Women are running against me.....No one is running against me.
In that YouTube parody I tell the YouTube audience Cy Vance's office prevented me from reporting Delita Hooks attacked me -- the YouTube is date May 2013.
I am so glad Michael Lewis exposes Cy Vance in Flash Boys and the film should excoriate Cy Vance hopefully.
I believe Cy Vance will fall like Charles Hynes just a lot sooner but not soon enough. He should never have been re-elected.
Reminder to Michael Lewis and all of you....the FBI was too busy with 9-11 to stop criminal behavior by Wall St that would call the implosion of Wall Street.....
Now the FBI can use that same excuse --- it seems like we are heading for part two and it will be more than Wall St imploding again....NYC corruption including the DA's role, the NYPD so out of control they can't be policing by the high priced Internal Affairs Bureau as corrupt and dysfunctional as mayor Bloomberg's and now De Blasio (Bloomberg lite who will be a one term mayor or like Cy Vance win by default) -- Internal Affairs is like the 911 Tech system an overly complicated mess that costs the tax payers way too much money and doesn't function properly.
Stay tuned...
Many of you have written me supporting me and expressing shock or telling me you are not surprised with our dirty DA, the NYPD, Internal Affairs some comparing my treatment to what goes on in Russia or Iraq.
Cy Vance Listen to Joan Illuzi Offer Me Services What Services Did She mean? Was She Lying to me?
Manhattan DA Joan Illuzi Audio Not Arresting my Attacker Listen
Cy Vance Listen to Joan Illuzi Offer Me Services What Services Did She mean? Was She Lying to me?
Listen to Joan Illuzi the head of hate crimes who offers me services twice in this phone call.
I allege she is a dishonest liar who is offering me no services what so ever but offered the MD office who did not fire my attacker, my attacker who filed a false cross complaint, my attacker Delita Hooks aka Dee and Delite who signed a letter threatening me yet again warning me to not come forward and report assault charges again and you all know I allege if possible Joe Tacopina scripted that letter threatening me and Joan sure did the NYPD who fixed it for Dr Andrew Fagelman who did not fire Delita Hooks, Dr Fagelman who would not answer my private investigators question did you talk to the police. People ask me who did Dr Fagelman call to get this fixed....
Well listen to Joan I allege insincerely offer me services -- what services? She just let me attacker walk from 2nd degree assault charges, menacing me, a false cross complaint which ADA Joe Giovenetti and Joan made me agree I had to accept they would pursue 2nd degree assault but not the false cross complaint ----
Joan said she did a thorough investigation --- I have proof that is not true and she never emailed me the letter and ADA G is some investigator. He fed exed the letter to an address he was alerted I do not live at.
Cy Vance, Joan, Siobhan Berry senior investigator investigation bureau that was suppose to arrest Delita Hooks because ADA G told me they would have to go around the NYPD if Delita Hooks was arrested which is quite a statement and ADA G ended up with quite a surprise ending letting my attacker off the hook quicker than you can say "Charles Hynes" and Charles Hynes thought he was above the law and above it for many years..... G-d works in mysterious ways and G-d Justice may take years.
Needless to say I want to ask Cy Vance, and all ADAs including supervisor Ms Walton and Ms Berry questions under oath along with Delita Hooks, Dr Fagelman, all the women in the video, Det John Vergona, his partner, Det Andy Dwyer, his partner, Lt Angelo Burgos, IAB Lt Mary O'Donnell, Lt Agnes, DI Ed Winski, Ray Kelly, Bill Bratton, Campisi and Reznick, NYPD Chief Dowd questions about 911 and FirstNet as well as questions re: his abusive behavior to me at City Hall when I was there to testify calling for a criminal investigation in to 911...
G-d sees all.
I am filing ethics complaints and a notice of claim to file another lawsuit against the City, the original defendants, Mr. Bratton, Mr Reznick, Cy Vance, Joan Illuzi, and ADA Joseph Giovannetti and wait until you read the laundry list of why I allege Cy Vance is retaliating against me to Joan Illuzi telling me she wouldn't prosecute Delita Hooks for the false cross complaint -- it isn't like I am picking out shoes Joan decides and she refused to prosecute Delita Hooks for the false cross complaint.
Joan told me she did not know who I was. I said that's good
Do you promise not to hold my politics against me and she said she wouldn't.
I told her I dressed up as Cy Vance on YouTube and stated I am so happy no Black People, No Hispanic People, No Women are running against me.....No one is running against me.
In that YouTube parody I tell the YouTube audience Cy Vance's office prevented me from reporting Delita Hooks attacked me -- the YouTube is date May 2013.
I am so glad Michael Lewis exposes Cy Vance in Flash Boys and the film should excoriate Cy Vance hopefully.
I believe Cy Vance will fall like Charles Hynes just a lot sooner but not soon enough. He should never have been re-elected.
Reminder to Michael Lewis and all of you....the FBI was too busy with 9-11 to stop criminal behavior by Wall St that would call the implosion of Wall Street.....
Now the FBI can use that same excuse --- it seems like we are heading for part two and it will be more than Wall St imploding again....NYC corruption including the DA's role, the NYPD so out of control they can't be policing by the high priced Internal Affairs Bureau as corrupt and dysfunctional as mayor Bloomberg's and now De Blasio (Bloomberg lite who will be a one term mayor or like Cy Vance win by default) -- Internal Affairs is like the 911 Tech system an overly complicated mess that costs the tax payers way too much money and doesn't function properly.
Stay tuned...
Many of you have written me supporting me and expressing shock or telling me you are not surprised with our dirty DA, the NYPD, Internal Affairs some comparing my treatment to what goes on in Russia or Iraq.
Cy Vance Listen to Joan Illuzi Offer Me Services What Services Did She mean? Was She Lying to me?
Thanks and gratitude for making a difference.
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you.
Vid 4 second highlights Vine
Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt midogynist DA.
June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015.
The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Cy Vance from Flash Boys to Savage Assault at Dr Andrew Fagelman NYPD Coercion IAB Fixing Lawsuits to a Film Coming and Joan offers me services was she lying to me?
I am alive -- there are plenty of families mourning loved ones who did not survive and where the victims of a lot of fixing, threats violence and lies. I have an audio from DA's office I am not posting.
Manhattan DA Joan Illuzi Audio Not Arresting my Attacker Listen
Cy Vance Listen to Joan Illuzi Offer Me Services What Services Did She mean? Was She Lying to me?
Listen to Joan Illuzi the head of hate crimes who offers me services twice in this phone call.
I allege she is a dishonest liar who is offering me no services what so ever but offered the MD office who did not fire my attacker, my attacker who filed a false cross complaint, my attacker Delita Hooks aka Dee and Delite who signed a letter threatening me yet again warning me to not come forward and report assault charges again and you all know I allege if possible Joe Tacopina scripted that letter threatening me and Joan sure did the NYPD who fixed it for Dr Andrew Fagelman who did not fire Delita Hooks, Dr Fagelman who would not answer my private investigators question did you talk to the police. People ask me who did Dr Fagelman call to get this fixed....
Well listen to Joan I allege insincerely offer me services -- what services? She just let me attacker walk from 2nd degree assault charges, menacing me, a false cross complaint which ADA Joe Giovenetti and Joan made me agree I had to accept they would purse 2nd degree assault but not the false cross complaint ----
Joan said she did a thorough investigation --- I have proof that is not true and she never emailed me the letter and ADA G is some investigator. He fed exed the letter to an address he was alerted I do not live at.
Cy Vance, Joan, Siobhan Berry senior investigator investigation bureau that was suppose to arrest Delita Hooks because ADA G told me they would have to go around the NYPD if Delita Hooks was arrested which is quite a statement and ADA G ended up with quite a surprise ending letting my attacker off the hook quicker than you can say "Charles Hynes" and Charles Hynes thought he was above the law and above it for many years..... G-d works in mysterious ways and G-d Justice may take years.
Needless to say I want to ask Cy Vance, and all ADAs including supervisor Ms Walton and Ms Berry questions under oath along with Delita Hooks, Dr Fagelman, all the women in the video, Det John Vergona, his partner, Det Andy Dwyer, his partner, Lt Angelo Burgos, IAB Lt Mary O'Donnell, Lt Agnes, DI Ed Winski, Ray Kelly, Bill Bratton, Campisi and Reznick, NYPD Chief Dowd questions about 911 and FirstNet as well as questions re: his abusive behavior to me at City Hall when I was there to testify calling for a criminal investigation in to 911...
G-d sees all.
I am filing ethics complaints and a notice of claim to file another lawsuit against the City, the original defendants, Mr. Bratton, Mr Reznick, Cy Vance, Joan Illuzi, and ADA Joseph Giovannetti and wait until you read the laundry list of why I allege Cy Vance is retaliating against me to Joan Illuzi telling me she wouldn't prosecute Delita Hooks for the false cross complaint -- it isn't like I am picking out shoes Joan decides and she refused to prosecute Delita Hooks for the false cross complaint.
Joan told me she did not know who I was. I said that's good
Do you promise not to hold my politics against me and she said she wouldn't.
I told her I dressed up as Cy Vance on YouTube and stated I am so happy no Black People, No Hispanic People, No Women are running against me.....No one is running against me.
In that YouTube parody I tell the YouTube audience Cy Vance's office prevented me from reporting Delita Hooks attacked me -- the YouTube is date May 2013.
I am so glad Michael Lewis exposes Cy Vance in Flash Boys and the film should excoriate Cy Vance hopefully.
I believe Cy Vance will fall like Charles Hynes just a lot sooner but not soon enough. He should never have been re-elected.
Reminder to Michael Lewis and all of you....the FBI was too busy with 9-11 to stop criminal behavior by Wall St that would call the implosion of Wall Street.....
Now the FBI can use that same excuse --- it seems like we are heading for part two and it will be more than Wall St imploding again....NYC corruption including the DA's role, the NYPD so out of control they can't be policing by the high priced Internal Affairs Bureau as corrupt and dysfunctional as mayor Bloomberg's and now De Blasio (Bloomberg lite who will be a one term mayor or like Cy Vance win by default) -- Internal Affairs is like the 911 Tech system an overly complicated mess that costs the tax payers way too much money and doesn't function properly.
Stay tuned...
Many of you have written me supporting me and expressing shock or telling me you are not surprised with our dirty DA, the NYPD, Internal Affairs some comparing my treatment to what goes on in Russia or Iraq.
Cy Vance Listen to Joan Illuzi Offer Me Services What Services Did She mean? Was She Lying to me?
Manhattan DA Joan Illuzi Audio Not Arresting my Attacker Listen
Cy Vance Listen to Joan Illuzi Offer Me Services What Services Did She mean? Was She Lying to me?
Listen to Joan Illuzi the head of hate crimes who offers me services twice in this phone call.
I allege she is a dishonest liar who is offering me no services what so ever but offered the MD office who did not fire my attacker, my attacker who filed a false cross complaint, my attacker Delita Hooks aka Dee and Delite who signed a letter threatening me yet again warning me to not come forward and report assault charges again and you all know I allege if possible Joe Tacopina scripted that letter threatening me and Joan sure did the NYPD who fixed it for Dr Andrew Fagelman who did not fire Delita Hooks, Dr Fagelman who would not answer my private investigators question did you talk to the police. People ask me who did Dr Fagelman call to get this fixed....
Well listen to Joan I allege insincerely offer me services -- what services? She just let me attacker walk from 2nd degree assault charges, menacing me, a false cross complaint which ADA Joe Giovenetti and Joan made me agree I had to accept they would purse 2nd degree assault but not the false cross complaint ----
Joan said she did a thorough investigation --- I have proof that is not true and she never emailed me the letter and ADA G is some investigator. He fed exed the letter to an address he was alerted I do not live at.
Cy Vance, Joan, Siobhan Berry senior investigator investigation bureau that was suppose to arrest Delita Hooks because ADA G told me they would have to go around the NYPD if Delita Hooks was arrested which is quite a statement and ADA G ended up with quite a surprise ending letting my attacker off the hook quicker than you can say "Charles Hynes" and Charles Hynes thought he was above the law and above it for many years..... G-d works in mysterious ways and G-d Justice may take years.
Needless to say I want to ask Cy Vance, and all ADAs including supervisor Ms Walton and Ms Berry questions under oath along with Delita Hooks, Dr Fagelman, all the women in the video, Det John Vergona, his partner, Det Andy Dwyer, his partner, Lt Angelo Burgos, IAB Lt Mary O'Donnell, Lt Agnes, DI Ed Winski, Ray Kelly, Bill Bratton, Campisi and Reznick, NYPD Chief Dowd questions about 911 and FirstNet as well as questions re: his abusive behavior to me at City Hall when I was there to testify calling for a criminal investigation in to 911...
G-d sees all.
I am filing ethics complaints and a notice of claim to file another lawsuit against the City, the original defendants, Mr. Bratton, Mr Reznick, Cy Vance, Joan Illuzi, and ADA Joseph Giovannetti and wait until you read the laundry list of why I allege Cy Vance is retaliating against me to Joan Illuzi telling me she wouldn't prosecute Delita Hooks for the false cross complaint -- it isn't like I am picking out shoes Joan decides and she refused to prosecute Delita Hooks for the false cross complaint.
Joan told me she did not know who I was. I said that's good
Do you promise not to hold my politics against me and she said she wouldn't.
I told her I dressed up as Cy Vance on YouTube and stated I am so happy no Black People, No Hispanic People, No Women are running against me.....No one is running against me.
In that YouTube parody I tell the YouTube audience Cy Vance's office prevented me from reporting Delita Hooks attacked me -- the YouTube is date May 2013.
I am so glad Michael Lewis exposes Cy Vance in Flash Boys and the film should excoriate Cy Vance hopefully.
I believe Cy Vance will fall like Charles Hynes just a lot sooner but not soon enough. He should never have been re-elected.
Reminder to Michael Lewis and all of you....the FBI was too busy with 9-11 to stop criminal behavior by Wall St that would call the implosion of Wall Street.....
Now the FBI can use that same excuse --- it seems like we are heading for part two and it will be more than Wall St imploding again....NYC corruption including the DA's role, the NYPD so out of control they can't be policing by the high priced Internal Affairs Bureau as corrupt and dysfunctional as mayor Bloomberg's and now De Blasio (Bloomberg lite who will be a one term mayor or like Cy Vance win by default) -- Internal Affairs is like the 911 Tech system an overly complicated mess that costs the tax payers way too much money and doesn't function properly.
Stay tuned...
Many of you have written me supporting me and expressing shock or telling me you are not surprised with our dirty DA, the NYPD, Internal Affairs some comparing my treatment to what goes on in Russia or Iraq.
Cy Vance Listen to Joan Illuzi Offer Me Services What Services Did She mean? Was She Lying to me?
Thanks and gratitude for making a difference.
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you.
Vid 4 second highlights Vine
Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt midogynist DA.
June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015.
The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!
Friday, September 26, 2014
NYPD sergeant who blew the whistle on fudged police reports slapped with departmental charges
NYPD sergeant who blew the whistle on fudged police reports slapped with departmental charges
Thanks and gratitude for making a difference.
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you.
Vid 4 second highlights Vine
June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015.
The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!
Thursday, September 25, 2014
#NYPD 5 Points Protest March Map
#NYPD 5 Points Protest March Map
Did you ever get the feelings corrupt NYPD and Internal Affairs cops and PBA doing fixing and favors along with retired cops on wealthy folks payroll doing fixing and favors along with all corrupt NYPD cops committing crimes using their badges and guns like NYPD Rape cop Pina and NYPD gun thief trafficker Mina who stole from lockers out of the 9th Precinct -- one of the same lockers NYPD Heroin Rape Cop Moreno had heroin staffed in...
are happy we are under terrorist threat since that takes the heat and focus off of them...?
By the way to bad NYPD Chief Chuck Dowd as appointed head of NYPD Tech and 911 when he had no 911 experiences and he other senior cops where taking gifts from one of 3 contractors alleged named in John Liu's press release May 31, 2012 calling for a criminal investigation in to 911 Tech mess called ECTP.
#NYPD 5 Points Protest March Map
There are cameras every where on the walk so that means dirty cops have to behave themselves besides the fact activists have video capacity....it would be embarrassing if we VIDEOED AN NYPD CHIEF ESPOSITO CHOKE HOLD LIKE THE ONE HE DID TO A BEAUTIFUL OWS WOMAN. HOW COULD BILL DE BLASIO HIRE ESPOSITO???? HUGE SALARY PLUS A MEGA HUGE PENSION!!! Esposito protects dirty cops like Adrian Schoolcraft's kidnapper Chief Mike Marino in my opinion.....
Protest #NYPD Internal Affairs Corruption Brutality 5 Point March, Preet Bharara, FBI NYC, City Hall, 1 Police Plaza, Cy Vance's Office
Protest #NYPD Internal Affairs Corruption Brutality 5 Point March, Preet Bharara, FBI NYC, City Hall, 1 Police Plaza, Cy Vance's Office
I am taking with a friend and our goal is to organize a 5 point march for protestors -- if we don't get a crowd -- we will do the walk ourselves with a large banner....
I am taking with a friend and our goal is to organize a 5 point march for protestors -- if we don't get a crowd -- we will do the walk ourselves with a large banner....
Are these 5 government agencies betraying the community demands for police reform?
-violations of Constitional Rights
-stop and frisk
-Eric Garner dead
-fixing crimes
-LGBT discrimination
-Adrian Schoolcraft kidnapping
-NYPD gun runners, drug trafficking, rape, murder
-time for a new psychological evaluation and to do eval checks
-confront the lie NYPD is doing new training
-#NYPD Spying
#Prosecute Police Brutality and murder
#Stop Profiling
#Stop blocking FOIL
-time for a new psychological evaluation and to do eval checks
-Internal Affairs corrupt and cannot police the police - it is big mess 911
-NYPD KKK Ray Kelly took free rides Air Bloomberg and Chief Dowd and other took gifts from Verizon a 911 contactor allegedly over billing City.
-Fire Bratton.
Eric Holder tells us to contact our local FBI which we do and they don't step up to the plate. Cy Vance Manhattan DA is failing to do his job regarding police corruption.
For October --- Goal make this a regular protest march each month until we can get a large enough crowd and that's fine if it goes into 2015 2016 until there's change this is what we have to do
You all know my case...
Thanks and gratitude for making a difference.
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you.
Vid 4 second highlights Vine
June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015.
The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!
Pepper Spray cop misogynist NYC --- choke hold....
Bill de Blasio says hey I send my wife, kid and Al Sharpton's ex aide to NYPD meetings but you hire NYPD choke holder abusers like Espositoe -- PROP reports the NYPD are being as abusive under de Blasio as Bloomberg new newsletter today with their oppressive ticketing of minorities -- oh don't forget what the NYPD did to me a whistle blower and I am preparing for lawsuit number 2 filing a notice of claim next month.
#NYPD 5 Points Protest March Map
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Racist Violent Misogynist NYPD Attack Pregnant Woman Time to Fire Bratton
Are de Blasio Bratton more than insensitive to Hispanics, Blacks and Women? The short list?
The mayor has to fire Bratton! Susan Howard high priced cruel joke on the People and take John Miller too. Choke holds including chief esposito choking OWS google photo and de Blasio gives esposito double dipper huge bucks job & pension!!! Deblasio do something or become a 1 term mayor!!!!
Pregnant woman thrown, held belly-down to the ground by NYPD cop in Brooklyn
De Blasio Bratton stonewalled my request for an honorary reinstatement for NYPD hero Joe Sanchez set-up to be fired because NYPD wanted him out.
Yes the Manhattan DA how many more people how much more is it going to take for us to get a commission into police corruption and how internal affairs cannot police the police!!! Watch youtube.
Eric Holder NYU duck NYPD homicide Eric Garner
When is FBI going to step in because the NYPD is out of control and internal there's a corrupt cesspool overpriced mess like our 911 Techsystems
Thanks and gratitude for making a difference.
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you.
Vid 4 second highlights Vine
June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015.
The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Saturday, September 20, 2014
NFL Revamping Conduct Policy How About #NYPD NY Dept of Health Internal Affairs Dr Andrew Fagelman and Delita Hooks his Ray Rice of Reception Desks?
NFL Revamping Conduct Policy How About #NYPD NY Dept of Health Internal Affairs Dr Andrew Fagelman and Delita Hooks his Ray Rice of Reception Desks?
NY Dept of Health and NYC Dept of Health and oops I allege caught Internal Affairs in a whopper of lies and misconduct.
The department of health made every excuse to turn me away regarding Dr. Andrew Fagelman's inability to train, supervisor and ultimately fire Delita Hooks who repeatedlyviolated my patient rights and repeatedly my body. NYPD Det Vergona joined my Attacker lying in policr reports he never thought I would see and post on Scribd.com (more to come) and his supervisors top brass internal affairs all protected the violence and lies.
NYPD IAB Manhattan DA Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Worse Than NFL Cover-up Ray Rice
Watch two videos below the one I filmed you can't see the running punch that she landed to my head specifically Mayeye because the camera goes black and after should grab my hair trying to pull me down the hall to throw me in the elevator.
Almost 2 years and my attacker the Ray Rice a medical reception desk has not been arrested yet.
That sure makes the Manhattan DA the NYPD, Dr Andrew Fagelman who did not fire her and internal affairs look far worse than the NFL! Ray Rice apologized Delita Hooks still lying including she and NYPD IAB police reports and Delite signed a letter to her NYPD fixers threatening me get again warning me not to come forward the report assault charges again or else she would file yet another (false) cross complaint read to me by IAB lt Mary O'Donnell and she didn't think that was a crime wrong or inappropriate threatening me and the signed letter warning me not to come forward.
I'm still receiving treatment for the attack at Dr. Andrew Fagrlman 's by Delita Hooks. The whole she made in my retina from a running punch to Mayeye and then grabbing my hair jerking my neck back to trying drag me by my hair to the elevator quest permanent damage that has to be monitored especially the hole in my retina that developed into a macular pucker.
Ask the Manhattan DA about the two videos. Ask them is it normal for a receptionist office manager to come out from behind a desk file later patients rights repeatedly been violated patient's body repeatedly be permanent damage to their eye and neck I can barely turn my neck I can turn it but it's really painful in the range of motion is limited. I am traumatized and damaged for life not only from the doctor before the New York Police Department an internal fares but ask the Manhattan DA about the video below and why they think she is not been fired or arrested. If they say I drop charges they were notified that I was threatened that I feared for my safety which is stated in the police report and then I can prove that the NYPD lied and police reports they threatened me and force me against my will to drop charges.
Ron Kuby letter shorthand for my client is being coerced to drop charges against her well but it gets better my attack or threatens me yet again in a signed letter that internal affairs read to me but they didn't think that was strange or wrong. That is how corrupt a moral and criminal the internal affairs and amoral.
I called Cy Vance's office over a year and half ago and than went to the Attorney General Investigative Unit and they sent me back to the Manhattan DA who turned me away and than I filed a complaint with the AG. Stay tuned more to come...violence to women and the misogyny fixing and favors that go on?
Two videos -- in my case the NYPD and Internal Affairs all saw the running punch to my head -- Deilta Hooks aimed for my left eye making a hole in my retina....she did not succeed in her goal to knock me out and drag me by hair to the elevator floor -- she didn't get me to the ground but she did a running punch as I held bags.
I am alleging the Manhattan DA was notified over a year and a half ago and turned me away when I reported the NYPD threatened me and coerced me -- I was lucky to not end up with more damage than the hole in my retina, floaters an abundance and cervical damage but I could have ended up DEAD like ERIC GARNER.
Yesterday older white male thin grey hair said NYPD didn't harm me enough and I needed to be harmed more. I was passing out Justice cards and flyers. M
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you.
Vid 4 second highlights Vine
June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015.
The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!
Watch two videos below the one I filmed you can't see the running punch that she landed to my head specifically Mayeye because the camera goes black and after should grab my hair trying to pull me down the hall to throw me in the elevator.
Almost 2 years and my attacker the Ray Rice a medical reception desk has not been arrested yet.
That sure makes the Manhattan DA the NYPD, Dr Andrew Fagelman who did not fire her and internal affairs look far worse than the NFL! Ray Rice apologized Delita Hooks still lying including she and NYPD IAB police reports and Delite signed a letter to her NYPD fixers threatening me get again warning me not to come forward the report assault charges again or else she would file yet another (false) cross complaint read to me by IAB lt Mary O'Donnell and she didn't think that was a crime wrong or inappropriate threatening me and the signed letter warning me not to come forward.
I'm still receiving treatment for the attack at Dr. Andrew Fagrlman 's by Delita Hooks. The whole she made in my retina from a running punch to Mayeye and then grabbing my hair jerking my neck back to trying drag me by my hair to the elevator quest permanent damage that has to be monitored especially the hole in my retina that developed into a macular pucker.
Ask the Manhattan DA about the two videos. Ask them is it normal for a receptionist office manager to come out from behind a desk file later patients rights repeatedly been violated patient's body repeatedly be permanent damage to their eye and neck I can barely turn my neck I can turn it but it's really painful in the range of motion is limited. I am traumatized and damaged for life not only from the doctor before the New York Police Department an internal fares but ask the Manhattan DA about the video below and why they think she is not been fired or arrested. If they say I drop charges they were notified that I was threatened that I feared for my safety which is stated in the police report and then I can prove that the NYPD lied and police reports they threatened me and force me against my will to drop charges.
Ron Kuby letter shorthand for my client is being coerced to drop charges against her well but it gets better my attack or threatens me yet again in a signed letter that internal affairs read to me but they didn't think that was strange or wrong. That is how corrupt a moral and criminal the internal affairs and amoral.
Two videos -- in my case the NYPD and Internal Affairs all saw the running punch to my head -- Deilta Hooks aimed for my left eye making a hole in my retina....she did not succeed in her goal to knock me out and drag me by hair to the elevator floor -- she didn't get me to the ground but she did a running punch as I held bags.
I am alleging the Manhattan DA was notified over a year and a half ago and turned me away when I reported the NYPD threatened me and coerced me -- I was lucky to not end up with more damage than the hole in my retina, floaters an abundance and cervical damage but I could have ended up DEAD like ERIC GARNER.
Yesterday older white male thin grey hair said NYPD didn't harm me enough and I needed to be harmed more. I was passing out Justice cards and flyers. M
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you.
Vid 4 second highlights Vine
June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015.
The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!

NYPD IAB Manhattan DA Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Worse Than NFL Cover-up Ray Rice
NYPD IAB Manhattan DA Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Worse Than NFL Cover-up Ray Rice http://nypost.com/2014/09/20/bombshell-report-ravens-tried-to-cover-up-ray-rice-video/
Watch two videos below the one I filmed you can't see the running punch that she landed to my head specifically Mayeye because the camera goes black and after should grab my hair trying to pull me down the hall to throw me in the elevator.
Almost 2 years and my attacker the Ray Rice a medical reception desk has not been arrested yet.
That sure makes the Manhattan DA the NYPD, Dr Andrew Fagelman who did not fire her and internal affairs look far worse than the NFL! Ray Rice apologized Delita Hooks still lying including she and NYPD IAB police reports and Delite signed a letter to her NYPD fixers threatening me get again warning me not to come forward the report assault charges again or else she would file yet another (false) cross complaint read to me by IAB lt Mary O'Donnell and she didn't think that was a crime wrong or inappropriate threatening me and the signed letter warning me not to come forward.
I'm still receiving treatment for the attack at Dr. Andrew Fagrlman 's by Delita Hooks. The whole she made in my retina from a running punch to Mayeye and then grabbing my hair jerking my neck back to trying drag me by my hair to the elevator quest permanent damage that has to be monitored especially the hole in my retina that developed into a macular pucker.
Ask the Manhattan DA about the two videos. Ask them is it normal for a receptionist office manager to come out from behind a desk file later patients rights repeatedly been violated patient's body repeatedly be permanent damage to their eye and neck I can barely turn my neck I can turn it but it's really painful in the range of motion is limited. I am traumatized and damaged for life not only from the doctor before the New York Police Department an internal fares but ask the Manhattan DA about the video below and why they think she is not been fired or arrested. If they say I drop charges they were notified that I was threatened that I feared for my safety which is stated in the police report and then I can prove that the NYPD lied and police reports they threatened me and force me against my will to drop charges.
Ron Kuby letter shorthand for my client is being coerced to drop charges against her well but it gets better my attack or threatens me yet again in a signed letter that internal affairs read to me but they didn't think that was strange or wrong. That is how corrupt a moral and criminal the internal affairs and amoral.
Two videos -- in my case the NYPD and Internal Affairs all saw the running punch to my head -- Deilta Hooks aimed for my left eye making a hole in my retina....she did not succeed in her goal to knock me out and drag me by hair to the elevator floor -- she didn't get me to the ground but she did a running punch as I held bags.
I am alleging the Manhattan DA was notified over a year and a half ago and turned me away when I reported the NYPD threatened me and coerced me -- I was lucky to not end up with more damage than the hole in my retina, floaters an abundance and cervical damage but I could have ended up DEAD like ERIC GARNER.
Yesterday older white male thin grey hair said NYPD didn't harm me enough and I needed to be harmed more. I was passing out Justice cards and flyers. M
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you.
Vid 4 second highlights Vine
June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015.
The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!
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