Time for a Permanent Commission in to NYPD, IAB, and DA Corruption: Title 18.subsection 242.conspiring of rights.which is a felony that can land that detective behind bars for ten years. I was sent this -- is this applicable to Det John Vergona and his partner, Det Andy Dwyer his partner, supervisor Lt Angelos Burgos, supervisor Sgt Chen and all involved including in Internal Affairs? NYPD Internal Affairs DA want to do the crime do the time. Turn Broken Windows back on them!
NYPD committed Crimes in my Case and how many other cases?
http://nypdnewcommission.blogspot.com/2017/04/ray-kelly-charles-campisi-bratton.html They love using Ron Kuby's letter to pretend I was not coerced and the NYPD did not commit a pile up of crimes.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) @NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP @TheIACP @NYPDnews @NYPDDetectives @MjrCitiesChiefs @NYPDChiefPatrol @NYCPBA @MarcSantia4NY @NYPDCT youtu.be/syrc3ncHFTI ask PC O’Neill, Bratton, Ray Kelly, Pulaski, Boyce, Esposito, Banks, Lt Gannon about audio Sgt Chen PO Magori prevent me from reporting Delita Hooks false cross complaint lying I am not from DA or a det. so I am not allowed to report the crime! #NYPD Lies!
https://nypdnewcommission.blogspot.com/2020/03/was-it-nypd-retired-nypd-someone-who.html?m=1 #Dumbcuntlivesmatter? Does Dermot Shea Agree?
NYPD PO EUGENE SCHATZ ARRESTED DRUNK DRIVING OCT 2019 but until Federal Investigators make arrests for conspiring as a group to COERCE ME Illegally downgrade all crimes to zero crimes by falsifying police reports and more I don't have justice but that's a baby step in the right direction Karma baby step -- someone in my case arrested!
Delita Hooks letter in response to Ron Kuby's short hand for Suzannah Troy is being coerced -Delita Hooks letter to NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer threatens a 2nd false cross complaint! NYPD Lt Angelo Burgos signed off on it with NYPD Ed Winski's knowledge and top brass including Internal Affairs protecting a pile-up of crimes including a series of threats, falsified police reports coercion. Corp Counsel lawyers including Zachary Carter lied in legal documents again protecting all crimes, obstructing Justice yet again and protecting violations of my Civil Rights!
The Detectives in my case Det Vergona and Det Andy Dwyer, their partners, and supervisors and facebook friends NYPD PO Eugene Schatz aka Gene Schatz and Det Tommy Moran were party to the fact Verogna was lying in his DD5s and was going to verbally violently threaten me over the phone because the cowardly criminal detectives and supervisors did not have it in them to commit the crimes they committed and face me but they did use Ron Kuby's letter to pretend they dd not commit crimes and Internal Affairs has protected them along w/ top brass all party to retaliation.
I had respected the NYPD until NYPD PO Gene Schatz and his facebook friends Detective Andrew Dwyer and Det John Vergona, with their partners, and supervisors DI Ed Winski, Lt Angelo Burgos and Sgt Chen did a bait and switch downgrading their crimes and Delita HOOKS crimes to no crimes. Google Dr Fagelman assault and see Delita HOOKS in action but she wasn't done breaking laws and the NYPD detectives and supervisors joined in and did Dr Andrew Fagelman quite a favor since he did not fire his violent, manipulative attack receptionist and when a private investigator asked Dr Fagelman did you talk to the NYPD he said "no comment" aka he would implicate himself in the crimes of arranging for Delita HOOKS to walk in and commit a crime filing a false cross complaint and Dr Fagelman was party to even more crimes, Det John VERGONA was going to violently threaten me over the phone with false arrest on a Saturday 4pm only for the utmost retaliation and even fabrication of crimes which Eric Garner outlines in his own case 4 years ago....
These corrupt evil people would teach be about the real NYPD and how they break laws, do fixing and favors and all these years Internal Affairs protected these crimes along with Corp Counsel Zachary Carter lied in my case and his predecessor before him! READ JOEL BERGER CIVIL RIGHTS LAWYER NE LAW JOURNAL REFORM NYPD POSSIBLE RICO CHARGES including many enablers including this party to lie cheat win and my case LEGAL FRAUD EXAMPLE WITHHOLDING ALL PAPERWORK BUT MOST OF 01 IA 1pp corp counsel withheld DELITA HOOKS LETTER THREATENING ME YET AGAIN In the letter with retaliation if I dare came back and filed more criminal complaints which I could've since NYPD illegally downgraded Crimes to a fabricated mutual salt when was a one-way attack second-degree assault menacing a false cross-complaint sexual assault criminal mischief damaging my iPhone case by hitting it out of my hand three times ! Note there's audio of corrupt NYPD officer Magori I tweeted to the police commissioner I reported her to Internal Affairs and CCRB she gets promoted in five years she's a lieutenant and the New York post exposes her to years later when I guess something illegal because I believe it was illegal on her part to try to erase her ex-boyfriend's father strangling someone read the article you can tell me but it looks like more evidence of how Internal Affairs promoted criminals in my case who broke laws on duty from their desks at the first precinct in plain sight ....https://nypost.com/2019/03/05/nypd-lieutenant-accused-of-skirting-law-to-help-out-exs-dad/amp/
Thursday, April 30, 2015
@suzannahbtroy: Certain white shirt NYPD arrest crazy violent willing to lie stoke hatred of #NYPD than pretend clueless. Lawsuits name them?
@suzannahbtroy: Certain white shirt NYPD arrest crazy violent willing to lie stoke hatred of #NYPD than pretend clueless. Lawsuits name them?
I walked from 14 street to about 46 street and there were no crazy cops in sight why am I not surprised it looks like Ed Winski was up to arresting protesters what's he going to do when he retires? I can't believe not one arrest everybody protesters in the two cops that were with us one the chief acted decent and then I see these photos of the cops smiling arresting protesters sick sadistic smiles
#NYPD white shirts like Ed Winski Stoke Hatred for NYPD Bratton kkk Ray Read Eric Garner lawsuit under Ray http://nypdnewcommission.blogspot.com/2015/04/suzannahbtroy-certain-white-shirt-nypd.html?m=1
Only way to cope right now is to tell myself what goes around comes around Karma pie
please help go viral shame MD, my attacker, #NYPD coercion, IAB, Cy Vance Dirty manhattan DA thank you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE&sns=tw via @youtube
Sent from my iPhone
I walked from 14 street to about 46 street and there were no crazy cops in sight why am I not surprised it looks like Ed Winski was up to arresting protesters what's he going to do when he retires? I can't believe not one arrest everybody protesters in the two cops that were with us one the chief acted decent and then I see these photos of the cops smiling arresting protesters sick sadistic smiles
#NYPD white shirts like Ed Winski Stoke Hatred for NYPD Bratton kkk Ray Read Eric Garner lawsuit under Ray http://nypdnewcommission.blogspot.com/2015/04/suzannahbtroy-certain-white-shirt-nypd.html?m=1
Read Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit from 7 years ago -- it gives new meaning to it stops today.
Only way to cope right now is to tell myself what goes around comes around Karma pie
please help go viral shame MD, my attacker, #NYPD coercion, IAB, Cy Vance Dirty manhattan DA thank you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE&sns=tw via @youtube
Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt misogynist DA.
When I yelled down Cy Vance on his misogyny I did not know yet about the intern in his office and also about Jeffrey Epstein that he would have an ADA asked to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex predator status.
John Lui requested criminal investigation of 911 ECTP. Cy Vance refused to prosecute 911 Tech crooks. https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/245413371 this is 1 of 2 press releases - the other is called CityTime 2.
Title 18.subsection 242.conspiring of rights.which is a felony that can land that detective behind bars for ten years. I was sent this -- is this applicable to Det John Vergona and his partner, Det Andy Dwyer his partner, supervisor Lt Angelos Burgos, supervisor Sgt Chen and all involved including in Internal Affairs?
June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015.
The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Snowden Binney Trailblazer SAIC 9-11 vs CityTime SAIC 911 HP Verizon NYPD Graft
Published on Apr 25, 2015
Preet bharara never confronted on SAIC Trailblazer no Denault. To hear what Binney says about Trailblazer should have stopped sept 11
s well as noting Trailblazer's ineffectiveness and unjustified high cost compared to the far less intrusive ThinThread.[10
ps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9Ted...
please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB, Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you.
Vid 4 second highlights Vine
https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/173... Delita Hooks false cross complaint I paid 15 dollars to get she walked in to 01 Precinct 2 days after me and committed yet another crime. Judge Alison Nathan either never bothered to read the false cross complaint and arch the video or she is as corrupt and political as the dirty corrupt NYPD IAB she and the dirty DA protected? I don't know you tell me.
NYPD Inspector General Forwards My Case to Internal Affairs just like CCRB and Commission to Combat Police Corruption when my case belong with a Special Prosecutor.
Read Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit from 7 years ago -- it gives new meaning to it stops today.
Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt misogynist DA.
When I yelled down Cy Vance on his misogyny I did not know yet about the intern in his office and also about Jeffrey Epstein that he would have an ADA asked to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex predator status.
John Lui requested criminal investigation of 911 ECTP. Cy Vance refused to prosecute 911 Tech crooks. https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/245... this is 1 of 2 press releases - the other is called CityTime 2.
NYPD Knapp Mollen Time for a New Commission
Title 18.subsection 242.conspiring of rights.which is a felony that can land that detective behind bars for ten years. I was sent this -- is this applicable to Det John Vergona and his partner, Det Andy Dwyer his partner, supervisor Lt Angelos Burgos, supervisor Sgt Chen and all involved including in Internal Affairs?
Sent from my iPhone
Preet bharara never confronted on SAIC Trailblazer no Denault. To hear what Binney says about Trailblazer should have stopped sept 11
s well as noting Trailblazer's ineffectiveness and unjustified high cost compared to the far less intrusive ThinThread.[10
ps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9Ted...
please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB, Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you.
Vid 4 second highlights Vine
https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/173... Delita Hooks false cross complaint I paid 15 dollars to get she walked in to 01 Precinct 2 days after me and committed yet another crime. Judge Alison Nathan either never bothered to read the false cross complaint and arch the video or she is as corrupt and political as the dirty corrupt NYPD IAB she and the dirty DA protected? I don't know you tell me.
NYPD Inspector General Forwards My Case to Internal Affairs just like CCRB and Commission to Combat Police Corruption when my case belong with a Special Prosecutor.
Read Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit from 7 years ago -- it gives new meaning to it stops today.
Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt misogynist DA.
When I yelled down Cy Vance on his misogyny I did not know yet about the intern in his office and also about Jeffrey Epstein that he would have an ADA asked to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex predator status.
John Lui requested criminal investigation of 911 ECTP. Cy Vance refused to prosecute 911 Tech crooks. https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/245... this is 1 of 2 press releases - the other is called CityTime 2.
NYPD Knapp Mollen Time for a New Commission
Title 18.subsection 242.conspiring of rights.which is a felony that can land that detective behind bars for ten years. I was sent this -- is this applicable to Det John Vergona and his partner, Det Andy Dwyer his partner, supervisor Lt Angelos Burgos, supervisor Sgt Chen and all involved including in Internal Affairs?
Sent from my iPhone
Snowden Binney Trailblazer SAIC 9-11 vs CityTime SAIC 911 HP Verizon NYPD Graft
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Friday, April 17, 2015
Watch: NYPD Viciously Attacks 12 Year Old Child as Horrified Witnesss Demand They Stop | The Free Thought Project
Watch: NYPD Viciously Attacks 12 Year Old Child as Horrified Witnesss Demand They Stop | The Free Thought Project
Fire Bratton!
No new hires for the NYPD!
New psychological evaluations for the NYPD and lie detector tests.
The new commission into NYPD and internal affairs and DA corruption is needed with special prosecutor's.
Sent from my iPhone
please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB, Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you.
Vid 4 second highlights Vine
NYPD Inspector General Forwards My Case to Internal Affairs just like CCRB and Commission to Combat Police Corruption when my case belong with a Special Prosecutor.
Read Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit from 7 years ago -- it gives new meaning to it stops today.
Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt misogynist DA.
When I yelled down Cy Vance on his misogyny I did not know yet about the intern in his office and also about Jeffrey Epstein that he would have an ADA asked to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex predator status.
John Lui requested criminal investigation of 911 ECTP. Cy Vance refused to prosecute 911 Tech crooks. https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/245413371 this is 1 of 2 press releases - the other is called CityTime 2.
Title 18.subsection 242.conspiring of rights.which is a felony that can land that detective behind bars for ten years. I was sent this -- is this applicable to Det John Vergona and his partner, Det Andy Dwyer his partner, supervisor Lt Angelos Burgos, supervisor Sgt Chen and all involved including in Internal Affairs?
June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015.
The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
#NBA Basketball Star Atlanta Hawks to Sue NYPD?
please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB, Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you.
Vid 4 second highlights Vine
NYPD Inspector General Forwards My Case to Internal Affairs just like CCRB and Commission to Combat Police Corruption when my case belong with a Special Prosecutor.
Read Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit from 7 years ago -- it gives new meaning to it stops today.
Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt misogynist DA.
When I yelled down Cy Vance on his misogyny I did not know yet about the intern in his office and also about Jeffrey Epstein that he would have an ADA asked to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex predator status.
Title 18.subsection 242.conspiring of rights.which is a felony that can land that detective behind bars for ten years. I was sent this -- is this applicable to Det John Vergona and his partner, Det Andy Dwyer his partner, supervisor Lt Angelos Burgos, supervisor Sgt Chen and all involved including in Internal Affairs?
June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015.
The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Protesters against police brutality barricade #Brooklyn bridge #ShutDownA14 from my New Commission Blog FIRE BRATTON
BREAKING: Protesters against police brutality barricade #Brooklyn bridge #ShutDownA14 http://on.rt.com/a7ygl5

Indict Killer NYPD Cops the Whole Damn System is Guilty as Hell!!
Indict Killer Cops the whole Damn System is GUILTY as HELL!!!!!!
So sad the gentleman asks for good cops to step up but we know the system is broken and that ain't going to happen. KKK Ray and Bratton policing is over and out. Fire Bratton.
#NYPD Protested Union Square Video Indict Killer Cops The Whole Damn System Guilty as Hell Video 2 Good Cops Step Up (FYI That Ain't going to happen System Broken! Not many good cops)
White Shirts looked angry as I yelled but the blue uniformed cops laughed at me.
How ironic....after Sept 11 I had asked for a raise for the FDNY and NYPD in the ny Times. Now I want them in jail and a new Commission in to POLICE Internal Affairs and DA Corruption as well as to testify in front of US Senate to hold them all accountable by changing Federal laws!
White Shirts looked angry as I yelled but the blue uniformed cops laughed at me.
How ironic....after Sept 11 I had asked for a raise for the FDNY and NYPD in the ny Times. Now I want them in jail and a new Commission in to POLICE Internal Affairs and DA Corruption as well as to testify in front of US Senate to hold them all accountable by changing Federal laws!
please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB, Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you.
Vid 4 second highlights Vine
NYPD Inspector General Forwards My Case to Internal Affairs just like CCRB and Commission to Combat Police Corruption when my case belong with a Special Prosecutor.
Read Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit from 7 years ago -- it gives new meaning to it stops today.
Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt misogynist DA.
When I yelled down Cy Vance on his misogyny I did not know yet about the intern in his office and also about Jeffrey Epstein that he would have an ADA asked to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex predator status.
John Lui requested criminal investigation of 911 ECTP. Cy Vance refused to prosecute 911 Tech crooks. https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/245413371 this is 1 of 2 press releases - the other is called CityTime 2.
Title 18.subsection 242.conspiring of rights.which is a felony that can land that detective behind bars for ten years. I was sent this -- is this applicable to Det John Vergona and his partner, Det Andy Dwyer his partner, supervisor Lt Angelos Burgos, supervisor Sgt Chen and all involved including in Internal Affairs?
June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015.
The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!
Monday, April 13, 2015
Dr Andrew Fagelman Corrupt #NYPD Internal Affairs Cy Vance like Delita Hooks Don't Know U don't hit People and LIE!
Dr Andrew Fagelman Corrupt #NYPD Internal Affairs Cy Vance like Delita Hooks Don't Know U don't hit People and LIE!
Dr Fagelman did not fire Delita Hooks so clearly like the Dirty corrupt NYPD cops that jumped on Eric Garner and NBA star Thabo it is a-okay to do a running punch to my head after his violent lying attack receptionist hit me with her glass Iphone before throwing her shoes and threatening me! Dr F didn't fire her. She even walked in to the precinct like the Queen of England and filed a false cross complaint another crime and than signed a letter stating she would drop the (false charges) against me but warned me to not come back and file charges against me or she would file them again and Dr Andrew Fagelman was fine with that as well as "Flash Boys" Cy Vance with an Intern to afraid of him to report sex abuse in his office, and Internal Affairs in on it-- keep reading to learn more...
Dr Andrew Fagelman and corrupt Dirty NYPD Internal Affairs and Dirty DA believe it is okay to beat People and lie! Proof Delita Hooks who even threatened me in a signed letter to her NYPD fixers agreeing to drop charges (her false cross complaint filed over 24 hours after me -against me and she threatened me again! Internal Affairs Sgt Mary O'Donnell read me the letter so in essence was threatening me yet again since she wasn't going to the Manhattan DA reporting Delita Hooks false cross complaint, 2nd degree assault and threatening me in a signed letter as well as NYPD Det John Vergona's coercion! Here is Delita Hooks false cross complaint https://www.scribd.com/doc/173385168/Dr-Andrew-Fagelman-Receptionist-Office-Manager-Delita-Hooks-False-Criminal-Report-to-NYPD
It took many calls almost one year calling the First Precinct to get one honest cop! I paid $15 filled out the report and One Police Plaza responded stating Delita Hooks came in 2 days after me and stated I attacked her! Clearly because of my politics the NYPD Internal Affairs and Ray Kelly and now Bill Bratton and his head of Internal Affairs think they taught me a lesson with retaliation backing up violence and lies including by Det John Vergona and all NYPD involved but they taught me get on the Internet tell everyone including about what I found out the NYPD did to Eric Garner 7 years ago and what else did they do to him and me behind the scenes that we don't know. Eric Garner can't tell us but his lawsuit from year ago does tell us and not one honest NYPD officer will come forward and tell the truth and there is no one honest inside the DA's office where even a sexually abused Intern abused by someone senior at the Manhattan DA knows not t come forward -- see all the links below!!!!!
It was not okay to attack Eric Garner -- the NYPD could have talked to him. It was not okay to attack me. Apologize or give me the finger again but close the door. It was not okay to attack NBA star Thabo from the Atlanta Hawks. The DA and Internal Affairs can't fix that because TMZ and the NBA Basketball Union watching
Dr Fagelman did not fire Delita Hooks so clearly like the Dirty corrupt NYPD cops that jumped on Eric Garner and NBA star Thabo it is a-okay to do a running punch to my head after his violent lying attack receptionist hit me with her glass Iphone before throwing her shoes and threatening me! Dr F didn't fire her. She even walked in to the precinct like the Queen of England and filed a false cross complaint another crime and than signed a letter stating she would drop the (false charges) against me but warned me to not come back and file charges against me or she would file them again and Dr Andrew Fagelman was fine with that as well as "Flash Boys" Cy Vance with an Intern to afraid of him to report sex abuse in his office, and Internal Affairs in on it-- keep reading to learn more...
Read Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit from 7 years ago -- it gives new meaning to it
stops today! NYPD going to harm me / retaliate some more for posting Eric's lawsuit from 7 years ago?
Dr Andrew Fagelman and corrupt Dirty NYPD Internal Affairs and Dirty DA believe it is okay to beat People and lie! Proof Delita Hooks who even threatened me in a signed letter to her NYPD fixers agreeing to drop charges (her false cross complaint filed over 24 hours after me -against me and she threatened me again! Internal Affairs Sgt Mary O'Donnell read me the letter so in essence was threatening me yet again since she wasn't going to the Manhattan DA reporting Delita Hooks false cross complaint, 2nd degree assault and threatening me in a signed letter as well as NYPD Det John Vergona's coercion! Here is Delita Hooks false cross complaint https://www.scribd.com/doc/173385168/Dr-Andrew-Fagelman-Receptionist-Office-Manager-Delita-Hooks-False-Criminal-Report-to-NYPD
It took many calls almost one year calling the First Precinct to get one honest cop! I paid $15 filled out the report and One Police Plaza responded stating Delita Hooks came in 2 days after me and stated I attacked her! Clearly because of my politics the NYPD Internal Affairs and Ray Kelly and now Bill Bratton and his head of Internal Affairs think they taught me a lesson with retaliation backing up violence and lies including by Det John Vergona and all NYPD involved but they taught me get on the Internet tell everyone including about what I found out the NYPD did to Eric Garner 7 years ago and what else did they do to him and me behind the scenes that we don't know. Eric Garner can't tell us but his lawsuit from year ago does tell us and not one honest NYPD officer will come forward and tell the truth and there is no one honest inside the DA's office where even a sexually abused Intern abused by someone senior at the Manhattan DA knows not t come forward -- see all the links below!!!!!
It was not okay to attack Eric Garner -- the NYPD could have talked to him. It was not okay to attack me. Apologize or give me the finger again but close the door. It was not okay to attack NBA star Thabo from the Atlanta Hawks. The DA and Internal Affairs can't fix that because TMZ and the NBA Basketball Union watching
please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB, Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you.
Vid 4 second highlights Vine
NYPD Inspector General Forwards My Case to Internal Affairs just like CCRB and Commission to Combat Police Corruption when my case belong with a Special Prosecutor.
Read Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit from 7 years ago -- it gives new meaning to it
stops today!
Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt misogynist DA.
When I yelled down Cy Vance on his misogyny I did not know yet about the intern in his office and also about Jeffrey Epstein that he would have an ADA asked to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex predator status.
NYPD Knapp Mollen Time for a New Commission
Title 18.subsection 242.conspiring of rights.which is a felony that can land that detective behind bars for ten years. I was sent this -- is this applicable to Det John Vergona and his partner, Det Andy Dwyer his partner, supervisor Lt Angelos Burgos, supervisor Sgt Chen and all involved including in Internal Affairs?
June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015.
The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!
Sent from my iPhone
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Cy Vance Internal Affairs Can't Fix it like thy did my Case #TMZ #NBA Video NYPD Break NBA Player's Leg w/Batton
#NYPD Collobrative Policing Internal Affairs to Fix #NYPD Breaking #NBA Players Leg Like IAB Fixed Det John Coercing Me?
u liked Michael Lewis's book on Football won Sandra Bullock Oscar Wait4 film Flash Boys will excoriate Dirty DA Cy Vance
NBA player only lucky TMZ NBA watching or he would end up like the rest is victimized more or dead?
To Bratton and Cy Vance in response to their Collobrative Tech Tweet:
My tweets: myvid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE&sns=emnow #NBA TMZ proof Harder4?NYPD IAB Collaborative Corrupt Fixin http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2015/04/nypd-collobrative-policing-internal.html?m=1
#NBA #TMZ knows harder4 Bratton Collaborative Policing as in Collaborative fixing Corruption #NYPD IAB DA my case
Internal Affairs has been sent my case by the civilian complaint review board and the commission to combat police corruption and the NYPD Inspector General and every time internal affairs fixes it because their corrupt they will fix anything for any dirty cop they can especially if they know they can get away with it they are absolutely dirty corrupt they always have been and the DA starting with Cyrus Vance is in league with them more often helping dirty cops like in my case and internal affairs in my case fix it.
How many of you think Dan Donovan fixed it for the dirty cops involved in the homicide of Eric Garner and years of systematically targeting him protected by internal affairs and how many other cases NYC?
https://www.scribd.com/doc/253681968/Eric-Garner-Lawsuit-NYPD-Violated-Him Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit inside Rikers 7 yrs ago new meaning stops today.
Fix was in. Retaliation my case Eric Garner's.
Sent from my iPhone
Fix was in. Retaliation my case Eric Garner's.
please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB, Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you.
Vid 4 second highlights Vine
NYPD Inspector General Forwards My Case to Internal Affairs just like CCRB and Commission to Combat Police Corruption when my case belong with a Special Prosecutor.
Read Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit from 7 years ago -- it gives new meaning to it stops today.
Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt misogynist DA.
When I yelled down Cy Vance on his misogyny I did not know yet about the intern in his office and also about Jeffrey Epstein that he would have an ADA asked to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex predator status.
Title 18.subsection 242.conspiring of rights.which is a felony that can land that detective behind bars for ten years. I was sent this -- is this applicable to Det John Vergona and his partner, Det Andy Dwyer his partner, supervisor Lt Angelos Burgos, supervisor Sgt Chen and all involved including in Internal Affairs?
June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015.
The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!
#NYPD Bratton Cyrus Vance DA Collobrative Policing Truth Collobrative Corruption Including My Case
In response to Bratton's Tweet@CommissBratton: Another collaborative meeting today on law enforcement technology with @ManhattanDA Cy Vance & staff. http://t.co/urzkTWU8e7
@suzannahbtroy: Cy Vance Bratton collaborative tech meeting tragic joke collaborative fixing http://t.co/H7cENjcTbn corruption
@suzannahbtroy: @CommissBratton @ManhattanDA http://t.co/Mefpsb87b9 Collobrative Intimidation no tech required #NYPD IA DA
Victimized Intern inside Manhattan DA knows the NYPD DA Collobrative corruption fixing intimidation criminals so do not come forward. Why else would she not come forward? Look at Weinstein case. Look at Jeffrey Epstein with Cy Vance trying to lower his sex pred status.
Sent from my iPhone
@suzannahbtroy: Cy Vance Bratton collaborative tech meeting tragic joke collaborative fixing http://t.co/H7cENjcTbn corruption
@suzannahbtroy: @CommissBratton @ManhattanDA http://t.co/Mefpsb87b9 Collobrative Intimidation no tech required #NYPD IA DA
Victimized Intern inside Manhattan DA knows the NYPD DA Collobrative corruption fixing intimidation criminals so do not come forward. Why else would she not come forward? Look at Weinstein case. Look at Jeffrey Epstein with Cy Vance trying to lower his sex pred status.
please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB, Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you. Bratton IAB DA Collobrative Policimg means Collobrative Corruption threats lies intimidation Coercion.
#NYPD Bratton Cy Vance Tech Corruption Collaborative Fix Corrupt Dealings #Iphone Attack Dr Fagelman's Delita Hooks savage attack false cross complaint and her signed letter to her NYPD fixers Threatening me possible ghost written by Joe Tacopina who I sleeve possible was the lawyer that called me cunt and threatened me No wonder Intern in Cy Vances office won't go to NYPD or a special al prosecutor. Note I asked the NYPD Inspector General for a special prosecutor and instead he forwarded my case to corrupt internal affairs as did CCRB and the commission to combat police and corruption who like the dirty DA fix for corrupt cops as much as possible as well in my case DA fixed for internal affairs.
please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB, Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you.
https://vine.co/v/M3A9b3ehni0 e
Vid 4 second highlights Vine
NYPD Inspector General Forwards My Case to Internal Affairs just like CCRB and Commission to Combat Police Corruption when my case belong with a Special Prosecutor.
Read Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit from 7 years ago -- it gives new meaning to it stops today.
Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt misogynist DA.
When I yelled down Cy Vance on his misogyny I did not know yet about the intern in his office and also about Jeffrey Epstein that he would have an ADA asked to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex predator status.
Title 18.subsection 242.conspiring of rights.which is a felony that can land that detective behind bars for ten years. I was sent this -- is this applicable to Det John Vergona and his partner, Det Andy Dwyer his partner, supervisor Lt Angelos Burgos, supervisor Sgt Chen and all involved including in Internal Affairs?
June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015.
The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!
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