FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 26, 2016CONTACT: Michele Weinstat,The New York City Conflicts of Interest Board today announced settlements with a New York City Police Department (“NYPD”) Chief, a former Chief, and an Assistant Chief for accepting gifts in the form of meals from the Queens Library, an organization with which they interacted as part of their NYPD duties.The meals were hosted by then President and CEO of the Queens Library, Thomas Galante, who was acting on behalf of the Library. The Chief and former Chief received four meals, each valued at more than $100. The Assistant Chief received three meals for herself and one for her husband, each valued at more than $100. The Chief, former Chief, and Assistant Chief each paid a $1,500 fine. They acknowledged that the meals were provided to them solely due to their City positions, the acceptance of which violated the City’s conflicts of interest law provision that prohibits public servants from using their City positions to obtain any financial gain or personal advantage for themselves or anyone “associated” with them, including a spouse. In determining the amount of the fine, the Board took into account the unique nature of the organization that gave the improper gifts. This case was investigated by the NYPD Internal Affairs Bureau and New York City Department of Investigation. The dispositions are attached as “COIB Dispositions (NYPD).”###COIB is the independent, non-mayoral City agency charged with interpreting, administering, and enforcing the City's Conflicts of Interest Law, Annual Disclosure Law, and Lobbyist Gift Law. The agency’s jurisdiction extends to all City agencies and current and former officers, elected officials, and employees of the City, as well as lobbyists. Learn more about COIB and the law at of New York Conflicts of Interest Board2 Lafayette Street, Suite 1010New York, NY 10007(212) 442-1400
Time for a Permanent Commission in to NYPD, IAB, and DA Corruption: Title 18.subsection 242.conspiring of rights.which is a felony that can land that detective behind bars for ten years. I was sent this -- is this applicable to Det John Vergona and his partner, Det Andy Dwyer his partner, supervisor Lt Angelos Burgos, supervisor Sgt Chen and all involved including in Internal Affairs? NYPD Internal Affairs DA want to do the crime do the time. Turn Broken Windows back on them!
NYPD committed Crimes in my Case and how many other cases? They love using Ron Kuby's letter to pretend I was not coerced and the NYPD did not commit a pile up of crimes.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) @NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP @TheIACP @NYPDnews @NYPDDetectives @MjrCitiesChiefs @NYPDChiefPatrol @NYCPBA @MarcSantia4NY @NYPDCT ask PC O’Neill, Bratton, Ray Kelly, Pulaski, Boyce, Esposito, Banks, Lt Gannon about audio Sgt Chen PO Magori prevent me from reporting Delita Hooks false cross complaint lying I am not from DA or a det. so I am not allowed to report the crime! #NYPD Lies! #Dumbcuntlivesmatter? Does Dermot Shea Agree?
NYPD PO EUGENE SCHATZ ARRESTED DRUNK DRIVING OCT 2019 but until Federal Investigators make arrests for conspiring as a group to COERCE ME Illegally downgrade all crimes to zero crimes by falsifying police reports and more I don't have justice but that's a baby step in the right direction Karma baby step -- someone in my case arrested!
Delita Hooks letter in response to Ron Kuby's short hand for Suzannah Troy is being coerced -Delita Hooks letter to NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer threatens a 2nd false cross complaint! NYPD Lt Angelo Burgos signed off on it with NYPD Ed Winski's knowledge and top brass including Internal Affairs protecting a pile-up of crimes including a series of threats, falsified police reports coercion. Corp Counsel lawyers including Zachary Carter lied in legal documents again protecting all crimes, obstructing Justice yet again and protecting violations of my Civil Rights!
The Detectives in my case Det Vergona and Det Andy Dwyer, their partners, and supervisors and facebook friends NYPD PO Eugene Schatz aka Gene Schatz and Det Tommy Moran were party to the fact Verogna was lying in his DD5s and was going to verbally violently threaten me over the phone because the cowardly criminal detectives and supervisors did not have it in them to commit the crimes they committed and face me but they did use Ron Kuby's letter to pretend they dd not commit crimes and Internal Affairs has protected them along w/ top brass all party to retaliation.
I had respected the NYPD until NYPD PO Gene Schatz and his facebook friends Detective Andrew Dwyer and Det John Vergona, with their partners, and supervisors DI Ed Winski, Lt Angelo Burgos and Sgt Chen did a bait and switch downgrading their crimes and Delita HOOKS crimes to no crimes. Google Dr Fagelman assault and see Delita HOOKS in action but she wasn't done breaking laws and the NYPD detectives and supervisors joined in and did Dr Andrew Fagelman quite a favor since he did not fire his violent, manipulative attack receptionist and when a private investigator asked Dr Fagelman did you talk to the NYPD he said "no comment" aka he would implicate himself in the crimes of arranging for Delita HOOKS to walk in and commit a crime filing a false cross complaint and Dr Fagelman was party to even more crimes, Det John VERGONA was going to violently threaten me over the phone with false arrest on a Saturday 4pm only for the utmost retaliation and even fabrication of crimes which Eric Garner outlines in his own case 4 years ago....
These corrupt evil people would teach be about the real NYPD and how they break laws, do fixing and favors and all these years Internal Affairs protected these crimes along with Corp Counsel Zachary Carter lied in my case and his predecessor before him! READ JOEL BERGER CIVIL RIGHTS LAWYER NE LAW JOURNAL REFORM NYPD POSSIBLE RICO CHARGES including many enablers including this party to lie cheat win and my case LEGAL FRAUD EXAMPLE WITHHOLDING ALL PAPERWORK BUT MOST OF 01 IA 1pp corp counsel withheld DELITA HOOKS LETTER THREATENING ME YET AGAIN In the letter with retaliation if I dare came back and filed more criminal complaints which I could've since NYPD illegally downgraded Crimes to a fabricated mutual salt when was a one-way attack second-degree assault menacing a false cross-complaint sexual assault criminal mischief damaging my iPhone case by hitting it out of my hand three times ! Note there's audio of corrupt NYPD officer Magori I tweeted to the police commissioner I reported her to Internal Affairs and CCRB she gets promoted in five years she's a lieutenant and the New York post exposes her to years later when I guess something illegal because I believe it was illegal on her part to try to erase her ex-boyfriend's father strangling someone read the article you can tell me but it looks like more evidence of how Internal Affairs promoted criminals in my case who broke laws on duty from their desks at the first precinct in plain sight ....
Monday, September 26, 2016
Harlem mom has support of other moms of men killed by cops - NY Daily News
Harlem mom has support of other moms of men killed by cops - NY Daily News
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
NYPD cop pleads guilty to pimping out 16-year-old girl
NYPD cop pleads guilty to pimping out 16-year-old girl
City of NY, #NYPD, IA Lying draft Civl Pre Appeal Argument
Omar Mateen -- the LGBT mass murderer is in there -- read why -- 911 Tech corruption and NYPD graft, Ray Kelly and Charles Campisi Accept service but the other defendants claim I did not serve them whey I did and serve was good enough for with cops w/ 70 years combined at least on the force so what is DI Ed Winski and the rest of the defendants afraid of? I direct the appeals judges to audios referred to in the oral argument, lawsuit, opposition to dismiss and on the DVD I submitted to Corp Counsel who lied in court in front of me to Judge Kotler that I was not coerced when I was and I talk about the City setting a 40 million dollars lawsuit with the Central park 5 who admitted to heinous crimes while I admitted to nothing and Ron Kuby's letter was short hand for I was coerced while my attacker Delita Hooks a violent liar lied to the NYPD during an open investigation, filed a false cross complaint and openly threatens me in her SIGNED letter agreed to drop her false cross complaint but warning me I better not come back again or she will file a 2nd false cross complaint against me and all with the NYPD IA top cops protection this is like Williamsburg fixing but worse because of all the lies from a medical office to the NYPD to IAB all these years....
Monday, September 19, 2016
NJ Police not NYPD capture Chelsea Bomber because NYPD to busy fixing favors retaliation my case included
Chelsea Bomber, #LGBT Mass Murderer Omar Mateen, Boston Bombers -- USA self radicalized used the famous cook book obsessed with the Osama Bin Laden of the internet
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Amadou Diallo’s Mom Meet cops killed your son an NYPDAppTracker database could expose more allegations by cops who shot your son
Amadou Diallo’s mother wants to meet NYPD cop who killed her son - NY Daily News
.@NYDailyNews Amadou Diallo’s Mom an NYPDAppTracker database could expose more allegations by cops who shot your son
.@SBANYPD glad Mullins knows G-d will punish all karma will get them. Sgt Chen hids like kkk
.@SBANYPD audio proves Sgt Chen coward liar Corp Counsel lie 4him I don't know what cowards look like #NYPDapptrack
.@SBANYPD lying breaking the law did NYPD IA get the results you wanted you birthed the NYPD app tracker which willprove systemic corruption
.@SBANYPD every moment NYPD protects crimes my caseis a daya yr I'll work even harder expose corruption mycase everycase past present future
.@SBANYPD every moment NYPD protects crimes my caseis a daya yr I'll work even harder expose corruption mycase everycase past present future
I want to see the NYPD Internal Affairs who hid from me their faces I want to call them Cowards to their faces I want their lives and corruption fully exposed.
Every day I educate people all over the world about my case about police corruption fixing favors retaliation at a rich doctors office in Soho my patient rights for repeatedly violated and then my body and then came the NYPD who refused to meet me they only met my victim who filed a false cross-complaint two days after me and lied during an open investigation along with others from the doctors office as well see NYPD who lied and police reports threatening coerced me.
Yesterday I spoke to mosaic of people from Texas to Canada from people locally from all over the world that speak other languages - I shared with a diverse group of people and here in New York City the people told me they too are victims of NYPD crimes and I told them one day they will be able to report those crimes in a database and fellow victims of corrupt and NYPD and internal affairs send dirty DAs will be able to unite and find each other.
Ray Kelly's Appellate Lawyer in front of 3 Judges Aug 21, 2015 admits understandable I feel aggrieved put my constitutional rights were in violated when in fact they were!
Please help go viral to shame MD, NYPD, IAB, Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you.
Call 1-800 NYPD IA DA Fixit hotline
Thanks to Ray Kelly, Campisi, Bratton Reznick PO Gene Schatz Ed Winski Sgt Chen whose name and badge number and face I still don't know and others especially detective John Vergona and some of his Facebook friends like detective Andy Dwyer they taught me that we must have an NYPD app tracker allow people to go back in time - can easily show how NYPD or systemically corrupt protected by wait to many agencies and dirty DAs who also are often party to crimes.
I know G-D Will punish them all and they cannot come back to me later and asked for apologies too late I do you want apology from the mayor, police commissioner, and a head of corporate counsel who will stop lying for police corruption seriously party to NYPD Internal Affairs crimes like in my case lying to judges over and over
I know karma will get everyone of them but I'd like Justice now before my Mom dies.
Until the NYPD take responsibility I see every day is a day to educate people around the world and how actually corrupt New York City is you're not even safe in a doctors office and share the video which has over 330,000 views...
My goal the NYPD app tracker A series of databases for victims and historians and lawyers to easily search a global audience can search government data and most of all NYPD crime stats and then see how victims see crime very differently and how many crimes The NYPD Internal Affairs dirty DAs corporate counsel committed crimes or accessories to crimes and tried cover up crimes.
The NYPD app tracker will be a database of primes starting with crime see NYPD would not let us report including their own
It will be amazing for fellow victims to find each other in unit specially cops that are repeat offenders and show the world how citizens few crime very differently and how the NYPD crime stats are a lie and show systemic corruption inside the NYPD and the Internal Affairs bureau
.@NYDailyNews Amadou Diallo’s Mom an NYPDAppTracker database could expose more allegations by cops who shot your son
.@SBANYPD glad Mullins knows G-d will punish all karma will get them. Sgt Chen hids like kkk
.@SBANYPD audio proves Sgt Chen coward liar Corp Counsel lie 4him I don't know what cowards look like #NYPDapptrack
.@SBANYPD lying breaking the law did NYPD IA get the results you wanted you birthed the NYPD app tracker which willprove systemic corruption
.@SBANYPD every moment NYPD protects crimes my caseis a daya yr I'll work even harder expose corruption mycase everycase past present future
.@SBANYPD every moment NYPD protects crimes my caseis a daya yr I'll work even harder expose corruption mycase everycase past present future
I want to see the NYPD Internal Affairs who hid from me their faces I want to call them Cowards to their faces I want their lives and corruption fully exposed.
Every day I educate people all over the world about my case about police corruption fixing favors retaliation at a rich doctors office in Soho my patient rights for repeatedly violated and then my body and then came the NYPD who refused to meet me they only met my victim who filed a false cross-complaint two days after me and lied during an open investigation along with others from the doctors office as well see NYPD who lied and police reports threatening coerced me.
Yesterday I spoke to mosaic of people from Texas to Canada from people locally from all over the world that speak other languages - I shared with a diverse group of people and here in New York City the people told me they too are victims of NYPD crimes and I told them one day they will be able to report those crimes in a database and fellow victims of corrupt and NYPD and internal affairs send dirty DAs will be able to unite and find each other.
Ray Kelly's Appellate Lawyer in front of 3 Judges Aug 21, 2015 admits understandable I feel aggrieved put my constitutional rights were in violated when in fact they were!
Please help go viral to shame MD, NYPD, IAB, Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you.
Call 1-800 NYPD IA DA Fixit hotline
Thanks to Ray Kelly, Campisi, Bratton Reznick PO Gene Schatz Ed Winski Sgt Chen whose name and badge number and face I still don't know and others especially detective John Vergona and some of his Facebook friends like detective Andy Dwyer they taught me that we must have an NYPD app tracker allow people to go back in time - can easily show how NYPD or systemically corrupt protected by wait to many agencies and dirty DAs who also are often party to crimes.
I know G-D Will punish them all and they cannot come back to me later and asked for apologies too late I do you want apology from the mayor, police commissioner, and a head of corporate counsel who will stop lying for police corruption seriously party to NYPD Internal Affairs crimes like in my case lying to judges over and over
I know karma will get everyone of them but I'd like Justice now before my Mom dies.
Until the NYPD take responsibility I see every day is a day to educate people around the world and how actually corrupt New York City is you're not even safe in a doctors office and share the video which has over 330,000 views...
My goal the NYPD app tracker A series of databases for victims and historians and lawyers to easily search a global audience can search government data and most of all NYPD crime stats and then see how victims see crime very differently and how many crimes The NYPD Internal Affairs dirty DAs corporate counsel committed crimes or accessories to crimes and tried cover up crimes.
The NYPD app tracker will be a database of primes starting with crime see NYPD would not let us report including their own
It will be amazing for fellow victims to find each other in unit specially cops that are repeat offenders and show the world how citizens few crime very differently and how the NYPD crime stats are a lie and show systemic corruption inside the NYPD and the Internal Affairs bureau
Monday, September 12, 2016
NYPD Chokehold Cop pay rises after killing Eric Garner
Chokehold cop's pay rises after killing Eric Garner - NY Daily News
Mayor de Blasio called out by Erica Garner re Not releasing NYPD records
![]() | Black Youth Project (@BlackYouthProj) |
.@es_snipes calls out NYC mayor for not the records of police officer who killed her father Eric Garner |
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Mayor de Blasio called out by Erica Garner re Eric Garner
Like my case NYPD IA have a lot to hide.
Is Bratton black mailing de Blasio in to submission?
Sent from my iPhone
Like my case NYPD IA have a lot to hide.
Is Bratton black mailing de Blasio in to submission?
Sent from my iPhone
Declan Kelly Pays Bratton a Million to call #NYPD Critics Crazy?
Turn broken windows back on the NYPD follow the money trail from under the table cash to in-your-face overtime and promotions for towing the line doing fixing favors in retaliation protecting police wrongdoing at all costs including violating our constitutional rights to breaking laws
No class dollar bill Bratton - wave enough dollar bills in front of him see what happens.
Bratton ever call Clinton crazy.
No class dollar bill Bratton - wave enough dollar bills in front of him see what happens.
Bratton ever call Clinton crazy.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Ray Kelly City Covered Up Horrific Fact NYPD Shot Victim Did not give medical care
2012 mistaken identity cop-shoot victim was not given aid: video - NY Daily News
The NYPD and Internal Affairs commited crimes and used Ron Kuby's letter as a way to hide their crimes and lying in police reports.
The NYPD and Internal Affairs corrupt zero integrity.
Nothing stays hidden forever" David Lynch. Comforts me re violence lies Dr Andrew Fagelman's Delita Hooks violence lies #NYPD IA DA
Ray Kelly's Appellate Lawyer in front of 3 Judges Aug 21, 2015 admits understandable I feel aggrieved put my constitutional rights were in violated when in fact they were!
Please help go viral to shame MD, NYPD, IAB, Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you.
Call 1-800 NYPD IA DA Fixit hotline
The NYPD lied in police reports, coercion joined in threatening me, joined in committing a series of crimes along with the doctors office starting with my attacker Delita Hooks and FYI lying during an open investigation to the NYPD is the crime even if the NYPD are committing crimes! My attacker signed a letter to the NYPD my guess Joe Tacopina ghost wrote it and she signed it it's a serious crime because she openly threatens me to NYPD fixers very stupid and internal affairs Sergeant read it to me and showed to me making her and her supervisors part of the crime as well!
New psych evals and lie detector tests start w/ top cops.
Chief Boyce should resign along w/ Zachary Carter.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
.@NYCinvestigates NYPD Chief Boyce I am not stellar Ty Patterson not stellar violence towards us ok. NYPD IA corrupt
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Sent from my iPhone
NYPD Chief Robert Boyce Corrupt Evil Misogynist FYI Women Victims Don't Have to be Stellar
.@WomenintheWorld NYPD chief robert Boyce exposed misogyny corruption victims don't have to be stellar
Corrupt misogynist unwittingly exposes himself and core police corruption including my case. NYPD retaliated against me because they don't like me being a whistleblower on police corruption corruption of the rich and powerful people they do fixing and favors for I call the Oligarchs of NY.
The NYPD are out of control and Boyce and Reznick should resign and any cops I think they can do a round robin a police term playing judge and jury they don't think your stellar it's OK to commit a crime against you. Read Misogynist Boyce in his own words. If you are not stellar it is ok unwanted sexual advances and murder. Read his words...
Boyce resign!
.@NationalNOW Misogynist #NYPD chief of detectives Boyce, even imperfect women don't deserve sexual advances murder
Corrupt misogynist unwittingly exposes himself and core police corruption including my case. NYPD retaliated against me because they don't like me being a whistleblower on police corruption corruption of the rich and powerful people they do fixing and favors for I call the Oligarchs of NY.
The NYPD are out of control and Boyce and Reznick should resign and any cops I think they can do a round robin a police term playing judge and jury they don't think your stellar it's OK to commit a crime against you. Read Misogynist Boyce in his own words. If you are not stellar it is ok unwanted sexual advances and murder. Read his words...
Boyce resign!
.@NationalNOW Misogynist #NYPD chief of detectives Boyce, even imperfect women don't deserve sexual advances murder
NYPD Chief Boyce Misogynist Even imperfect women don't deserve unwanted sexual advances violence murder Jouvert Comment exposes Boyce a Sicko
NYPD Chief Boyce Misogynist Even imperfect women don't deserve unwanted sexual advances violence murder Jouvert Comment exposes Boyce a Sicko
Student killed at J’Ouvert wanted man to stop grinding on her: cops | New York Post
Boyce is corrupt and if the NYPD don't like you they will openly commit crimes and are confident they can get away with it
I believe everyone involved in my case more than karmically challenged
ask ray Kelly, Bratton, Reznick, Pulaski, Boyce under oath all knew I was coerced and NYPD lied in police reports and internal affairs protected a pile up of crimes from the doctors office to the police department but they agreed to cover up all the crimes are using Ron Kuby's letter it's a shocking story read it in the complaint to the US attorney READ my complaint!!!
The NYPD and or their pals on the 1-800-NYPD fix it program keep harassing me on YouTube and using different sock puppet accounts and mocked me about this until they read that have gone silent again.
I am urging victims of NYPD to get the form you can see in this filing and fill it out 0r ask your lawyer to file a complaint with the US Attorney Southern District because it is not systemic.
Happy weekend holiday weekend.
I filed a complaint with the US Attorney Southern District and I am asking other victims of the NYPD to also contact the US Attorney.
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Off Duty NYPD kills herself at Precinct or condo Not Surprised NYPD Psych Evals are a failure
NYDN says she killed herself at her condo. NY Post says precinct.
very sad but the truth is they don't have the proper screening they're hiring people that are not in good shape that aren't psychologically appropriate an awesome morally don't understand right from wrong
if she didn't have a gun she could be alive. Tragic.
How many times have I asked for new psychological evaluations is for the NYPD plus lie detector test .
My case I want top brass question under oath they're guilty as much is the lower level corrupt cops involved
very sad but the truth is they don't have the proper screening they're hiring people that are not in good shape that aren't psychologically appropriate an awesome morally don't understand right from wrong
if she didn't have a gun she could be alive. Tragic.
How many times have I asked for new psychological evaluations is for the NYPD plus lie detector test .
My case I want top brass question under oath they're guilty as much is the lower level corrupt cops involved
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Suit accuses NYPD failed to properly investigate fight probe
Suit accuses NYPD failed to properly investigate fight probe - NY Daily News
Bratton's Partner Follows me on Twitter See Photo Turn Broken Windows on Bratton
.@PreetBharara @FBI Bratton can lie say he doesn't know me but his partner follows me turnbroken windows on Bratton— Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) September 1, 2016
See photo proof his partner follows me...
.@PreetBharara @FBI Bratton can lie say he doesn't know me but his partner follows me turnbroken windows on Bratton
You know how Bratton pretends he does not even know who Bob Gangi is or any of his critics -- I guess we have to be as rich and famous as Madonna and have a Publicist but apparently his partner is his farcical Collaborative Policing which sounds like a Nazi term or collaborative fixing and favors for the rich, powerful, anyone who can put money in Bratton's pocket or for cops who are in fixing just for the power trip, or a figure it out
US Attorney Southern District My Complaint against NYPD defendants I have sued plus PO Gene Schatz and others
my Complaint Filing w/ US Attorney re: NYPD IA Fixing Gang Bang Retaliation on @Scribd #ReadMore
Ray Kelly, Bratton, Campisi, Chief Esposito, Banks, Pulaski Boyce's used Ron Kuby's letter to cover up a pile up of crimes from MD's office to NYPD coercion threatening me lying in police reports
NYPD used Ron Kuby's letter as excuse to cover up coercion lying in police reports lies coercion threatening me and a pile up of crimes from Dr Andrew Fagelman to NYPD internal affairs to top brass NYPD IA and gang bang of retaliation.
Top NYPD brass were willing to protect a puke up of crimes committed by NYPD and IA to retaliate against me. The First Precinct and IA retaliated against me for exposing 01 NYPD wrong doing and fixing for The Mercer Hotel in 2010 2 years before the 01 NYPD Det squad did fixing and favors for Dr Andrew Fagelman who didn't fire his violent lying receptionist a sociopath a manipulative violent liar.
Top NYPD brass were willing to protect a puke up of crimes committed by NYPD and IA to retaliate against me. The First Precinct and IA retaliated against me for exposing 01 NYPD wrong doing and fixing for The Mercer Hotel in 2010 2 years before the 01 NYPD Det squad did fixing and favors for Dr Andrew Fagelman who didn't fire his violent lying receptionist a sociopath a manipulative violent liar.
I'm putting that in this claim us attorney -- there is a flow chart which includes every government agent see that failed me or was complicit in the crimes title of the flow chart See Something Say Something
please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB, Cy Vance DA ADAs involved thank you.
Ray Kelly defended coercion, lying in police reports, NYPD verbal violence and threats after savage attack at Dr Andrew Fagelman's and I was told actually screamed that if I didn't drop charges I was going to be arrested but the corrupt cop was going to make me wait till Saturday the Sabbath 4 PM to fall stressed me for running punched my head.
Dr Andrew Fagelman's lied to the NYPD during an open investigation which is a crime even when NYPD also lie in police reports coercion join in threateningme it just means they all committed crimes. Delita hooks filed a false cross complaint and Vergona broke the law threatening me with her false cross complaint and the detective squad and top supervisors top party to coercion along w/ Andy Dwyer and Vergona 01 facebook pals like Schatz the first cop I reported to Internal Affairs. The NYPD to see all their crimes along with my attackers including fact that my atacker signed in a letter to the NYPD openly threatening me another serious crime.
Vid 4 second highlights Vine Delita Hooks false cross complaint I paid 15 dollars to get she walked in to 01 Precinct 2 days after me and committed yet another crime.
911 Tech Corruption, CityTime, 911 FirstNet Top NYPD Graft Full Disclosure When?
Note I also found a fake NYPD placard parked in the loading and unloading zone the Mercer Hotel with 01 Det squad help uses as private parking with valet service Michael Rawson was manager and a group of NYPD missed it as they targeted Veteran Vets and ticketed a handicap Korean War vet with prostate cancer who is now dead.
Internal Affairs mishandled it conveniently letting an NYPD pal get away and IA retaliated for being a whistleblower. I interviews one of the dirty 30 and ia covered up for for as long as possible. IA also has a history of corruption.
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