Time for a Permanent Commission in to NYPD, IAB, and DA Corruption: Title 18.subsection 242.conspiring of rights.which is a felony that can land that detective behind bars for ten years. I was sent this -- is this applicable to Det John Vergona and his partner, Det Andy Dwyer his partner, supervisor Lt Angelos Burgos, supervisor Sgt Chen and all involved including in Internal Affairs? NYPD Internal Affairs DA want to do the crime do the time. Turn Broken Windows back on them!
NYPD committed Crimes in my Case and how many other cases?
NYPD PO EUGENE SCHATZ ARRESTED DRUNK DRIVING OCT 2019 but until Federal Investigators make arrests for conspiring as a group to COERCE ME Illegally downgrade all crimes to zero crimes by falsifying police reports and more I don't have justice but that's a baby step in the right direction Karma baby step -- someone in my case arrested!
Delita Hooks letter in response to Ron Kuby's short hand for Suzannah Troy is being coerced -Delita Hooks letter to NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer threatens a 2nd false cross complaint! NYPD Lt Angelo Burgos signed off on it with NYPD Ed Winski's knowledge and top brass including Internal Affairs protecting a pile-up of crimes including a series of threats, falsified police reports coercion. Corp Counsel lawyers including Zachary Carter lied in legal documents again protecting all crimes, obstructing Justice yet again and protecting violations of my Civil Rights!
The Detectives in my case Det Vergona and Det Andy Dwyer, their partners, and supervisors and facebook friends NYPD PO Eugene Schatz aka Gene Schatz and Det Tommy Moran were party to the fact Verogna was lying in his DD5s and was going to verbally violently threaten me over the phone because the cowardly criminal detectives and supervisors did not have it in them to commit the crimes they committed and face me but they did use Ron Kuby's letter to pretend they dd not commit crimes and Internal Affairs has protected them along w/ top brass all party to retaliation.
I had respected the NYPD until NYPD PO Gene Schatz and his facebook friends Detective Andrew Dwyer and Det John Vergona, with their partners, and supervisors DI Ed Winski, Lt Angelo Burgos and Sgt Chen did a bait and switch downgrading their crimes and Delita HOOKS crimes to no crimes. Google Dr Fagelman assault and see Delita HOOKS in action but she wasn't done breaking laws and the NYPD detectives and supervisors joined in and did Dr Andrew Fagelman quite a favor since he did not fire his violent, manipulative attack receptionist and when a private investigator asked Dr Fagelman did you talk to the NYPD he said "no comment" aka he would implicate himself in the crimes of arranging for Delita HOOKS to walk in and commit a crime filing a false cross complaint and Dr Fagelman was party to even more crimes, Det John VERGONA was going to violently threaten me over the phone with false arrest on a Saturday 4pm only for the utmost retaliation and even fabrication of crimes which Eric Garner outlines in his own case 4 years ago....
These corrupt evil people would teach be about the real NYPD and how they break laws, do fixing and favors and all these years Internal Affairs protected these crimes along with Corp Counsel Zachary Carter lied in my case and his predecessor before him! READ JOEL BERGER CIVIL RIGHTS LAWYER NE LAW JOURNAL REFORM NYPD POSSIBLE RICO CHARGES including many enablers including this party to lie cheat win and my case LEGAL FRAUD EXAMPLE WITHHOLDING ALL PAPERWORK BUT MOST OF 01 IA 1pp corp counsel withheld DELITA HOOKS LETTER THREATENING ME YET AGAIN In the letter with retaliation if I dare came back and filed more criminal complaints which I could've since NYPD illegally downgraded Crimes to a fabricated mutual salt when was a one-way attack second-degree assault menacing a false cross-complaint sexual assault criminal mischief damaging my iPhone case by hitting it out of my hand three times ! Note there's audio of corrupt NYPD officer Magori I tweeted to the police commissioner I reported her to Internal Affairs and CCRB she gets promoted in five years she's a lieutenant and the New York post exposes her to years later when I guess something illegal because I believe it was illegal on her part to try to erase her ex-boyfriend's father strangling someone read the article you can tell me but it looks like more evidence of how Internal Affairs promoted criminals in my case who broke laws on duty from their desks at the first precinct in plain sight ....https://nypost.com/2019/03/05/nypd-lieutenant-accused-of-skirting-law-to-help-out-exs-dad/amp/
Corrupt mayor de Blasio nypd PC O'Neill ban audio inside precincts so victims cannot document NYPD Crimes, etc inspired by me? I tweeted audio inside First Precinct NYPD PO (co-worker of NYPD Eugene Schatz, woman cop a member of the misogynist boysclub) lies to me I can't report Dr Andrew Fagelman's employee Delita Hooks false cross complaint! https://youtu.be/CjLLUbDysvw
See the Youtube NYPD porno tour versus my civil rights violated I mention him and his Facebook friend Det. said broke laws in my case and that a federal investigators just questioned him and the cops from the 1st Precinct Det. some bosses that broke laws they would be arrest but I want to federal investigators at this point because civil rights were violated and he was party to the goal to erase all crimes Oct 1, 2012.... Dr AndrewFagelman's office
-- I reported him in 2010 for using his car like a weapon for illegally using a Sirens for being reckless and abusive and parking wherever he wanted to I'm not surprised he was drunk he hit someone and he kept going not surprised at all I'm just surprised he was arrested I guess his hook his fixers his protector was busy that night or couldn't cover up this time?
Watch this YouTube -- I mentioned him and see if federal investigators just questioned him they would be arrest in my case I made the statement Thursday morning not knowing he was arrested the night before but sadly only for drunken driving and I believe hitting someone's car and he kept going...
I can't help but wonder how many other terrible things he's done and gotten away with....
Police Officer Eugene Schatz, 46, was driving along Canal St. heading toward the entrance to the bridge about 8 p.m. Wednesday when he got into a fender bender with another car, but kept on going.
Off-duty cop busted for DWI following crash at foot of Manhattan Bridge
October 24 at 10:49 AM ET
An off-duty cop was arrested on drunk driving charges following a crash at the foot of the Manhattan Bridge, officials said Thursday.
NYPD Officer Eugene Schatz, 46, was driving along Canal St. in the Lower East Side headed toward the entrance to the bridge when he got into a fender bender with another car but kept on going about 8 p.m. Wednesday, according to police. No injuries were reported.
The other motorist called police, who soon pulled Schatz over in Brooklyn Heights and determined he was intoxicated, authorities said.
Police charged Schatz, a 21-year veteran of the NYPD, with drunk driving and refusing to take a Breathalyzer test.
Off-duty cop busted for DWI following crash at foot of Manhattan Bridge
FILE - Police Officer Eugene Schatz, 46, was driving along Canal St. heading toward the entrance to the bridge about 8 p.m. Wednesday when he got into a fender bender with another car, but kept on going. (Jeff Bachner/for New York Daily News)
An off-duty cop was arrested on drunk driving charges following a crash at the foot of the Manhattan Bridge, officials said Thursday.
NYPD Officer Eugene Schatz, 46, was driving along Canal St. in the Lower East Side headed toward the entrance to the bridge when he got into a fender bender with another car but kept on going about 8 p.m. Wednesday, according to police. No injuries were reported.
The other motorist called police, who soon pulled Schatz over in Brooklyn Heights and determined he was intoxicated, authorities said.
Police charged Schatz, a 21-year veteran of the NYPD, with drunk driving and refusing to take a Breathalyzer test.
Porn star Annina Ucatis gets private tour deep inside NYPD
She has friends.... hmmmmm
Porn star Annina Ucatis gets private tour deep inside NYPD! NYPD Jimmy O'Neill playmate gun licensing allegations? Same Playmate NYPD DI Ed Winski around the same time Winski Helped erased crimes for Dr Fagelman who didn't fire Delite he takes her Delita Hooks to drug parties!
We need a permanent new commission to police corruption and most of the government agencies that are supposed to police police are simply forwarding our cases to Internal Affairs to die the fix is in every step of the way including with our dirty Manhattan DA and often other DAs protect crooked cops along with judges so how do we get Justice?
@nypost#Porn star private tour NYPD HQ!NYPD James O'Neill alleged tie to playmate gun license Ed Winski helped around time he ERASED crimes my case for MD cures STDs peddles VIAGRA didn't fire Delita Hooks "Delite"takes her to drug parties! pic.twitter.com/OgDM3aIHhA
I donated blood at NY Blood camper parked outside the 1st Precinct and a cop walked in looked at my breasts as if I didn't have ears -- he said That reminds me I have to call a stripper that is the culture of the NYPD it is a misogynist corrupt culture and if there are good cops the corrupt cops undo good cops work but how many cops were involved in crimes in my case more than one or two..
NYPD Det. Andrew Dwyer broke laws in my case participated in violating my civil rights party to coercion a race and Crimes and he gets promoted to the NYPD FBI task force the same task force that rate of Jeffrey Epstein's Island and how did that rate gNYPD Det. Andrew Dwyer bro clause in my case participated in violating my civil rights party to coercion a racing crimes and he gets promoted to the NYPD FBI task force the same task force that raided Jeffrey Epstein's island and how did that raid go?
Note the NYPD never arrested Jeffrey Epstein, my case no arrests Instead I'm VIOLENTLY THREATENED W/ false arrest over the phone by Det Dwyer's facebook friend Det Vergona 0 accountability just corruption!!!!!
Please excuse terrible typos I endured a savagely violent assault Google Dr Fagelman assault all involved are Teflon like Jeffrey Epstein was and Ghislaine Maxwell is protected by corrupt NYPD and DA
No wonder the NYPD are secretive -- they have a lot to hide but perhaps some of the most corrupt NYPD have no record?
Look at the NYPD that are in jail let's see if they were ever disciplined; red flags were ignored or the NYPD protected them every step of the way like the cops ind the Jeffrey Epstein case in my case for a wealthy doctor and his employee?
Judges, Feds protect them because they are discriminating against us?
Mayor de Blasio, NYPD Top Brass City Safe 4 Murdered this AM, PR Corruption NYPD DA Media Not Investigating NYPD DA Role enablers Jeffrey Epstein, NYPD DA Travelers Group Corp Counsel Enablers
NYPD, Travelers Group, 4 people murdered private party Brooklyn, mayor de Basio, NYPD police commissioner NYC safe, travelers group James Toomey, enablers Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks, Cy Vance Jeffrey Epstein
Mayor de Blasio, NYPD Top Brass City Safe 4 Murdered Reminder NYPD DA Jeffrey Epstein enablers No Investigation and My Case NYPD DA enablers Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks NYPD that broke laws and Travelers Group is concerned I might re-appeal my lawsuit against the NYPD why inconvenient for their pals?