We're counting down the hours the days however long it takes until Shea is out....But the issue is it will be business as usual yet again despite the massive protest the NYPD are not the brightest cops that's for sure along with your federal protectors including their brothers in the New York FBI we're supposed to take action when our civil rights are violated but don't... but the issue is it will be business as usual yet again despite the massive protest the NYPD are not the brightest cops that's for sure along with your federal protectors including their brothers in the New York FBI we're supposed to take action when our civil rights are violated but don't.
The NYPD don't have a learning curve they just keep protecting Crimes you're after year mayor after mayor and there are no consequences...
They diminish us they think our lives don't count and that we cannot get the resources the Justice and a Judge who is not protecting THEIR CRIMES EVEN PERJURY OPENLY LYING IN COURT!!! they could own up instead of counting on CHEATING to winning win through cheating and lying I don't understand is that the way they and their enablers brought up to think that it's OK to break laws lie Trash gaslight and target victims to attempt to justify the unjustifiable and cheat to win?
Dermot Shea, Monahan, Internal Affairs civilian head Reznick what qualifies him he's so special that he aged out so he's a civilian head of Internal Affairs is it that he protects corruption just like his predecessor Charles Campisi in our cases including Eric Garner -- The targeting began under mayor Michael Bloomberg and NYPD Ray Kelly and now under our mayor de Blasio -- Eric is dead and we continue to be targeted and discriminated against me and how many other people that the NYPD decided we don't have rights we don't have civil rights we don't have a right to report a crime especially the NYPD are the ones committing the crime's erasing crimes including their own!
https://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2020/06/rumor-nypd-police-commissioner-shea.html?m= Suzannah B. Troy artist: From New Incoming NYPD PC I demand an apology starting on Twitter
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America NYC Gov NYS getting wake-up call after wake-up call. I was the only one to risk possibly my life to share Eric Garner his handwritten lawsuit in his own writing filed under mayor Bloomberg and Ray Kelly,
The NYPD don't have a learning curve they just keep protecting Crimes you're after year mayor after mayor and there are no consequences...
They diminish us they think our lives don't count and that we cannot get the resources the Justice and a Judge who is not protecting THEIR CRIMES EVEN PERJURY OPENLY LYING IN COURT!!! they could own up instead of counting on CHEATING to winning win through cheating and lying I don't understand is that the way they and their enablers brought up to think that it's OK to break laws lie Trash gaslight and target victims to attempt to justify the unjustifiable and cheat to win?
Dermot Shea, Monahan, Internal Affairs civilian head Reznick what qualifies him he's so special that he aged out so he's a civilian head of Internal Affairs is it that he protects corruption just like his predecessor Charles Campisi in our cases including Eric Garner -- The targeting began under mayor Michael Bloomberg and NYPD Ray Kelly and now under our mayor de Blasio -- Eric is dead and we continue to be targeted and discriminated against me and how many other people that the NYPD decided we don't have rights we don't have civil rights we don't have a right to report a crime especially the NYPD are the ones committing the crime's erasing crimes including their own!
https://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2020/06/rumor-nypd-police-commissioner-shea.html?m= Suzannah B. Troy artist: From New Incoming NYPD PC I demand an apology starting on Twitter
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Wishing everyone safe passage through this frightening time best of health to you and your love ones thank you
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@suzannahtroy @VanityFair @FBI @NewYorkFBI@Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube @nytimes@washingtonpost @NYPDChiefofDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MountSinaiNYC @MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea@GayleKing @NYGovCuomo @NYCLU When NYBlood ctr called me to donate White Blood cells I said YES I did not ask race/religion/politics/sexuality but NYPD IA DA GUILTY "round Robyn" #discrimination Eric Garner I both pro se under Bloomberg NYPD Ray Kelly targeted nyciloveyoubigtime.blogspot.com/2015/05/eric-g… de Blasio too! #Justice pic.twitter.com/yxK9ijsMCg | |||||
6/4/20, 5:21 PM |
NYPD 1pp, NYPD lawyers 1PP,
Corporation counsel, New York City comptroller strategy cheat to win sending lawyers to lie like in my case that I wasn't coerced when I was in protect NYPD detectives and bosses falsifying police reports including IAB Internal affairs bureau for years protecting crimes in our cases and Civil rights violations!
America NYC Gov NYS getting wake-up call after wake-up call. I was the only one to risk possibly my life to share Eric Garner his handwritten lawsuit in his own writing filed under mayor Bloomberg and Ray Kelly,
I am an outspoken, peaceful activist and whistle blower. 0ct 1, 2012 I did peace prayers at Integral Yoga, protested Rudin luxury condos replacing a Trauma Level 1 Hospital w/ a Rape Crisis center. I went to get a cyst removed by Dr Vine and left w/ a hole in my retina from Dr Andrew Fagelman's violent lying employee who targeted me as someone WHO HAS NO RIGHTS!
Before I was VIOLATED AT DR ANDREW FAGELMAN's 155 Spring st nyc I was loud protesting ECTP aka 911 tech system a response to Sept 11 not working properly and I yelled down Bloomberg at a press conference -- than Hurricane Sandy came and proved me right - 1 billion tax payer dollars overbudget and does not work properly! Over 8 million People rely on 911 nyc! Discrimination is calling an outspoken woman a confrontative C#nt.
PTSD excruciating insomnia isn't a choice.
I was suppose to be safe at a doctor's!
Delita Hooks discriminated against me - singled me out, yelled at me I have no rights!
So far it seems everyone in a position of power to take action in my case agrees...?
my patient rights, my body and more repeatedly violated, please google Dr. Fagelman assault YouTube and share
You'll find a YouTube October 4, 2012 when "Ajohn" on behalf of "Delite" aka Delita Hooks started on line gaslighting lies. I was savagely assaulted VIOLATED at Dr F's office 155 Spring St nyc oct 1, 2012. YouTube has over 760,000 views on how not to treat someone. My patient rights were violated my body repeatedly violated and there's no remorse zero apologies just more lies even perjury and EVEN more ABUSIVE so imagine coping with coronavirus fear living nyc because I wasn't safe at a doctor's office.
I am Jewish. Circa 80 years ago over 6 millions of my People were rounded up robbed of everything mass murdered.
2012 Soho NYC NYS I am yelled at THAT I HAVE NO RIGHTS AND REPEATEDLY VIOLATED my patient rights and my body! I continue to be treated like a Jew in the Early stages of Nazi Germany until I have Justice!
http://nyciloveyoubigtime.blogspot.com/2015/05/eric-garner-handwritten-lawsuit-from-7.html?m=1 ERIC GARNER and I started out pro se under mayor Michael Bloomberg and we hoped de Blasio would bring change for the better
2015 I received a tweet I defend Black People poetic justice I was assaulted by a Black person #dumbcuntlivesmatter? (Someone connected to NYPD?)
FYI I've also donated my white blood cells twice, gallons of my platelets and I didn't ask race religion gender; I asked how I could help.
I was and continue to be discriminated against the City of NY, a creepy unethical doctors office who continues to lie and gaslight along w/ government agencies nyc NYS.
See her Delita Hooks letter THREATENING me (by name - she got my name I allege by stealing a note I wrote my MD and destroying that note) w/ a 2nd false cross complaint to NYPD Det Andrew Dwyer signed off on by NYPD Lt Angelo Burgos. Top cops, Internal Affairs and the City of NY had this letter but their strategy was and is use Ron Kuby's letter to say case closed - he wrote I drop charges against my attacker if my attacker drops charges. That is shorthand for coercion. Delita Hooks got my name by violating my patient rights which she and her employer did again and again. Dr Fagelman took the Hippocratic oath and every gov employee that broke laws or obstructs justice also took an oath they violated as well.
Dr Fagelman did not investigate what happened. He lied under oath it didn't take place on his property. He never took the measures to provide a safe place by having guidelines and more. He chose to lie about me and diminish me to his patients w/ Delita Hooks to attempt to justify the unjustifiable.
I did not provoke Delita Hooks. She provoked me over and over. First I tried to get help and when she followed me and gave me the finger 3x after yelling at me who are you? (Discrimination) you HAVE NO RIGHTS! Because I asked would you consider paper cups instead of styrofoam it is better for Mother Earth.
I became a human piñata and my arm was numb from 2 numbing injections in my arm to remove a cyst. I was hold bags and my phone when my body was violated repeatedly...
I am owed apologies and more.
I would like Justice.
Many of the crimes including by NYPD have no Statute as well as other guilty of threatening me during an open investigation as I allege Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel did as well as NYPD Det John Vergona.
The NYPD Inspector general, the civilian complaint review board, the Commission To Combat Police Corruption, all forwarded my case to Internal Affairs to die "dead on arrival". They should be forced to follow up on our cases and put on their websites how many of our cases they forwarded DOA!
There's a wall around the Justice system.
I am one of too many victims that know this first hand..
iPhone Please excuse terrible typos I endured a savagely violent assault Google Dr Fagelman assault all involved are Teflon like Jeffrey Epstein was and Ghislaine Maxwell is protected by corrupt NYPD and DA