Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@suzannahtroy @NYPDDetectives @MTA @NYPDTransit @NYCTSubway @NYPDTips @NYPDSVU @NYPDnews @NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDPBMN @NYPDPBMS @NYPDTD4 @NYPD13Pct @NYPD25Pct #MTA ask Chief Shea, Chief Judith Harrison explain audio! Det. Sex Crimes Unit lying I wasn't sexually assaulted/I was not coerced!NYPD IA have my attacker's ltr to Det Dwyer openly threatening me w/2nd false cross complaint!…
Viagra pushing MD didn't sexually assault me but his employee did at after she did a running punch to my head as I hrlc my past my arm numb from having a cyst removed he just committed a lot of perjury confident that he is the top on status of a pedophile priest and so does his employee that punch me and why is that?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@suzannahtroy @NYPDDetectives @MTA @NYPDTransit @NYCTSubway @NYPDTips @NYPDSVU @NYPDnews @NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDPBMN @NYPDPBMS @NYPDTD4 @NYPD13Pct @NYPD25Pct Dr Fagelman, Delita Hooks committed PERJURY gives me 4 yrs to get them prosecuted perjury? Right now they're being given the protections of pedophile priests by the NYPD etc. My body violated audio police reports video proof nypd obstruct Justice falsfied DD5s erased all crimes!
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Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@suzannahtroy @NYPDDetectives @MTA @NYPDTransit @NYCTSubway @NYPDTips @NYPDSVU @NYPDnews @NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDPBMN @NYPDPBMS @NYPDTD4 @NYPD13Pct @NYPD25Pct MTA what do we do when our bodies our civil rights are being violated NYPD Internal Affairs protecting cops turning us away preventing us from reporting crimes including sexual assault? My case NYPD did fixing favors for MD w/ lots of NYPD Patients who didn't want to fire abuser!
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So what was the doctors crime I Allege picking up the phone and calling in fixing favors erase all crimes which the corrupt cops did and are still going!
I tweeted all top cops and they think if they ignore me it's going to go away and never will
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@suzannahtroy @NYPDDetectives @MTA @NYPDTransit @NYCTSubway @NYPDTips @NYPDSVU @NYPDnews @NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDPBMN @NYPDPBMS @NYPDTD4 @NYPD13Pct @NYPD25Pct #MTA ask Chief Shea, Chief Judith Harrison explain audio! Det. Sex Crimes Unit lying I wasn't sexually assaulted/I was not coerced!NYPD IA have my attacker's ltr to Det Dwyer openly threatening me w/2nd false cross complaint!…
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![]() | suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy) |
NYPD Knapp Mollen Time for a New Commission John Vergona FBFriends Gene Schatz, Moran, Andy Dwyer: NYPD Chief Judith Harrison is Party to Erasing Sexual Assault? Yes my opinion a misogynist member of NYPD boy's club erasing crimes my case viagra pushing MD…
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Dr Fagelman seemed to enjoy committing perjury -- and his Special relationship with the NYPD so special so unique he puts his full trust and confidence in them!!!' He said to investigate but they wouldn't meet with me and lied and police report so he must've meant to continue on the violence the abuse ERASE all crimes for him including him and pals party to the goal to coerce me
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![]() | suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy) | ||||
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I was sexually assaulted by Dr F's employee he didn't fire her he committed perjury in a deposition but admitted he has lots of nypd patients. NYPD did him a big favor since he didn't fire his violent lying employee. His behavior so bad in depo he was censured w/his woman lawyer
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Delita Hooks sexually assaulted me and Dr Fagelman acted so inappropriately in the deposition he was censured along with his lawyer who also behaved very badly and the lawyers a woman they were censored by the judge.
Dr Andrew Fagelman and Delita Hooks Committed perjury but the doctor did admit he has lots of NYPD patients which is a no brainer!
Dr Fagelman It's a legalized drug dealer and he pushes Viagra any cures STDs and he has lots of NYPD patients.
NYPD did fixing in favors for him October 1, 2012 on going a raced all crimes because he didn't want to fire his violent lying employee.
When he wasn't committing perjury he bragged about his trust and confidence the NYPD then even NYPD doesn't happen itself hence there's so many government agencies that are supposed to be monitoring NYPD although they don't do very good job today they often protect wrongdoing and pass the corruption back to Internal Affairs to die!
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